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Worcester Agency Experience

missmoneypenny16 March 9, 2016 16:59
Hi,Just wanted to express and share my feelings with others, hoping it will help a little to type them down rather than keep them bottled up.We have had a farely good experience so far with our Agency and were getting on quite well with our SW, we were approved for Adoption in December 2015 and contacted within the first week of January to say that they had a match for us but unfortunately it fell through as the birth parents live in the same town as us!! I was quite hurt and upset having had my hopes lit up and then burn't out in one email!!!We have since heard nothing from our SW, although we were told we would have to wait for a match, it is still quite frustrating waiting and checking emails on a daily basis incase we are lucky, we both are so excited and at the same time a little deflated that the process takes so much of your time and energy and then you are left with nothing, no contact or reply to an email enquiry as to how things are going with family finders!I hope i am not the only one to feel this way and there are others who feel like they are chomping at the bit to hear back from an SW ??
Edited 17/02/2021
Blueberry1 March 9, 2016 23:52
Hi Nicky Waiting for a match is so hard! After months of regular contact with your social worker everything goes quiet and it's like your life is on hold waiting for the phone to ring with news. Our social worker was lovely and I didn't want to keep ringing her for updates when I knew how busy she was. She would always reassure us that they were looking for us but it didn't make it any easier. One thing I particularly found difficult was friends and family asking me almost every day if we'd heard anything!! Anyway, that's just to express that I definitely know how you feel!! What really helped me is carrying on with my life and not thinking about it constantly. Doing things that we used to do but had put on hold with all the prep we'd done. When I was feeling like nothing was happening I'ddo some research so I felt that I was still doing something adoption related. Reminding myself regularly that our child was out there. We actually didn't wait too long for a match, about 8 months from approval to LO coming home but it felt a lot longer at the time!! Now it feels like she's always been here.Your child will be out there, keep positive and enjoy some time together while you wait. I'm sure that more experienced posters will be along with advice on how to increase your chances of getting a match (adoption link etc). Good luck x x
Edited 17/02/2021
missmoneypenny16 March 10, 2016 10:55
Thank you so much for your reply, it really has helped so thanks again x Its nice to hear that other people have been where we are now and have got through and have a happy family now, i can only hope it happens for us along the same timeline period as for you x thanks so much again :-)
Edited 17/02/2021
hopingforasecond September 14, 2016 18:03
I just wanted to say that your experience of life changing messages in an email is something I can really relate to. I have been receiving emails (short, one liners) that change our whole families future, with no acknowledgement of the nature of the message being sent or the impact. We have had our lives changed and changed back and changed again, made worse by different team members giving different information and people not communicating. We know that good communication methods don't change the outcome, we can equip ourselves to deal with the sadness of things not working out, but we should not have the journey made more difficult by a service that is not equipped or prepared to deal with the 'humanness' of the process. When a placement is overturned it is like being told (in a line of text) that you have miscarried. It is that brutal. I do not consider email and then no further support to be the appropriate method for this. While I have empathy for your experiences I am not wanting to just moan, i hope to suggest that we can influence how things are done, as this might improve things for us all. I am sure like me, you don't want to hold a grudge or lay blame, i know people are busy and resource is tight. I do suggest that you constructively feedback though. Professionals are changing our futures everyday, it is their jobs but it is our lives. We need to ensure this isn't forgotten and that we are working collaboratively, with excellent communication in place, so we can ensure the best outcomes for children whilst minimising the pain for the adults involved. The content wont change but the nature of the delivery of the news can be handled so much better and ensure people can move through the adoption process with as much support, information and choice as is possible in such a complex process. It is so worth the journey but let's make the journey as positive as is possible.
Edited 17/02/2021


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