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Calling all Home Educators

Honeysuckle June 12, 2013 11:45
Hi allI just wanted some advice from those who home educate. I am very interested in this approach, however DH is not. Honestly I don''t even know where to start researching the idea and the resources that are available. Could someone point me in the right direction of what to look for? Do you need to be registered, and if so how long does it take? I am thinking, that if I need to be ''approved'' or ''registered'', I might do that anyway in case I need a plan B. Or am I making no sense!! Anyway, thank you in advance for any help.
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti June 12, 2013 13:20
No you don't need to be registered Honeysuckle.If your child is at school already you will have to write to head teacher and as I understand it, they have to inform the LA that you are now home educating.There is loads of info on the webEducation Otherwise is a good start.Home Education Advisory Service is also excellent.This is another excellent site a search on the boards for home education/home schooling too.Not for everyone but many benefits and not just for the child/renI don't think its that unusual for one parent to be positive about it before the other has 'got the vision'.There were a couple of articles about the benefits of home ed for adopted children in Adoption Today not that long ago. I think in the August and December issues.HTHLarsti
Edited 17/02/2021
daffodill June 13, 2013 15:06
Hi, we have home educated for a year, you will need to de register your child from school and then the school will contact your local authority, they will call round to you at some point (by appointment) to check that your child is at no risk and have a chat with you about your approach to education, it is I beleive a law that your child be educated but how you do that is up to you, you do not need to stick to the school curriculum, in fact I would highly recomend that you de school for at least 6 months, which means let them be as if it were the summer holidays. There is a lot of help if you google and a fair few on these boards home ed, Our littly has just gone back to school with the support he needs and is finding it a completely different experience, a year out was the perfect thing to do for us. I would check out your local home ed groups, and all the places for days out, museums etc etc, age depending. It has helped our son No end, and now he is settling back to school mornings only. Its a terribly hard decision to make and dont forget to think of some things for YOU, you will need a bit of space i expect, hope you have some support,ie someone to have the children for a few hours a week, you will benefit from that. Good luck with your decision making. hope all goes well.
Edited 17/02/2021
Wibbley June 15, 2013 08:52
Hi. We HE & love it. The change in the children is huge since coming out of school.You don't have to register, though I choose to. You also don't have to follow the National Curriculum. There are loads of groups about to join & so so much resource online in terms of educational stuff.We are out & about with others pretty much everyday. It's a very social way of life in fact. It's hard to make the final decision & takes a lite time to find your feet & de-school. But my kids are very happy little people right now.
Edited 17/02/2021
REM June 16, 2013 23:50
We only just started. My husband was completely on board but it was still a scary step!If you look on Education Otherwise, or just Google Home Education + Your County you can probably find some local (or close enough) groups. You could ask them about visiting a meeting. All the groups I approached were lovely and full of people willing to share stories with me. That might help you decide. Then if you choose to go ahead with home education you will already have a network.Could you trial some ideas of how it might work for you over the summer holidays?
Edited 17/02/2021


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