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Promoting identity

Osprey August 7, 2012 13:15
We are a white couple who have successfully raised a child, not our birth child, who is of a different ethnicity to us. For this reason we have been approved to adopt children of our own and other ethnic backgrounds.We had a very successful meeting with an LA concerning children of African descent. However since then the LA has wobbled and backtracked. We followed up the meeting with further evidence of how we would promote the children''s identity, including through contact with other children and through friends of African descent and of other ethnic backgrounds and their children becoming positive role models. Where we live there are people of other many ethnic groups, but they are definately minority groups. We live near a large multi-cultural city though, which we visit often and where we have located relevant shops, hairdressers, community centre etc. We have said we will do any reading, attend conferences etc. that the LA feels necessary.The LA now wants a further meeting and MORE evidence of how we will promote identity, including frequency of contact with friends etc. How do we know how often is enough?We would welcome ideas of what else we can do. At the moment we feel whatever we say will not be enough and are considering whether it is worth proceeding. These children sound fantastic though and it would be such a shame for us to have to let them go, as well as being another few months in their lives of them not being placed.
Edited 17/02/2021
Jet August 8, 2012 21:43
hiam interested you are talking about children ( how many?)I have adopted transracially and one of the best things was having more than one child with similar heritage ( in my case not previously related) and this took away the issue of being the only black person in the family talk about your willingness to put yourself in the position of being in a minorityare the children currently in a same race foster placement ; if so say you will keep in touch with foster carers if not ask how their heritage needs are currently being met also show that you will be flexible as children's needs change over time Jet
Edited 17/02/2021
Osprey August 10, 2012 15:04
Hi Jet Thanks for advice. The LA terminated the match before we had a chance to follow up. FYI they would also have a non-white older brother, our son, but apparently this is not enough.Whatever we said to them would not be enough. They have a long way to go before they will be in line with the government's and Martin Narey's thinking.
Edited 17/02/2021
selg August 13, 2012 13:18
Hope you are okay, disappointment seems to be a part of this journey we are all on.Some LAs are more progressive then others and sometimes I think it comes down to individual SWs. Which makes it so frustrating!Good luck, I hope you find your LO soon.Selg x
Edited 17/02/2021
Fishwife1949 September 11, 2012 17:01
You could talk about cooking, the music you listen to also were you live may make a big difference, also the type of school you would pick id a school near you thats has more the three black children (if your going for school age that is ) Rather than talking about hairdressers i would evidence that you can deal with there hair and their skin yourselves
Edited 17/02/2021
jmk September 12, 2012 11:07
Hi Osprey,I am interested to know if they gave you a reason for terminating, other than you weren't 110% perfect (who is?). What I mean is, did they say they had a mixed race or black couple waiting for a child? If not then I can't believe they have turned you down.It's fair enough if another more suitable ethnic couple are ready and waiting, but if this is not the case then is is discrimination and the poor children will languish while they faff around trying to find another "more suitable" family.If you are approved already there is nothing to stop you making your own enquiries about children and who knows when they see you are being pro-active they may change their minds as they won't want to lose you.Good luck
Edited 17/02/2021


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