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Good news!

Online Community Team November 16, 2012 14:01
We have had a number of requests recently for a ‘positive news’ board; while the boards are an opportunity to share and be supported during challenging times they can also be a space for sharing positive stories and inspiring prospective adopters.We think it is a great idea, so we''ve created this board.We will be moderating the ‘Good news’ board closely for the first couple of months so that it stays true to its purpose. Our other boards will continue to operate, to offer a wider range of comments and views. So, do share your good news with us here - if you have had a good day, a positive experience or a breakthrough, however small ,we’d love to hear about it!Adoption UK
Edited 17/02/2021
jmk November 16, 2012 14:06
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oatybix November 16, 2012 14:07
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Bottle123 November 16, 2012 14:10
Thankyou - will certainly help us newbies/less experienced when we are doubting ourselves/the process....much easier than trawling through old posts to find some !
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MGM November 16, 2012 14:29
I think this is an excellent facility. The majority of people who post as prospective adopters don't seem to graduate over to the adopters board - hopefully this will give everyone the opportunity to stick around, if only just to share their stories and have some friendly chat with other adopters. It has a lot of potential. Hopefully all the adopters who 'lurk' but don't post will post in here.BUT – surely it should be called 'Adopters Good News', to keep it in line with the other sub headings?
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bovary November 16, 2012 17:03
Hooray, hooray, hooray! Best bit of news I've had all day! And on a Friday too! Thanks AUK!
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Tuesdays Girl November 18, 2012 16:33
I cannot tell you how pleased I am about this! We're currently very early in our adoption journey (about to start the Home Study) and new members to AUK. I've spent several evenings perusing the boards and have felt increasingly overwhelmed by some of the posts, to the point I am questionning whether we have made the right decision to proceed. I am hoping very much that the boards are used predominately by people who are having problems, and that parents for whom things are going well tend to 'drift away'. This is not to say, of course, that I am unrealistic about what to expect as adoptive parents (and how different it will be from parenting our BC). But I think a good news board might be the place I go when I am wondering why we are doing it at all.
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jmk November 18, 2012 16:42
Imust be mad - this is precisely why we have been asking for this for years, because you are right and the people who are not having problems don't come on here as they are too busy enjoying themselves.But we also have a huge sense of pride when our children do something good or make progress and we often want to share positive stories, but up to now these good news stories were very quickly lost down the pages by other urgent posts for help. At least now there is one place where if we're having a down day we can come on and read some good news positive stories to uplift us and if anyone has any good news to share they can post it on here without feeling they are bragging, or going to upset others who are going through a bad time.Glad you found it.
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Pear Tree November 18, 2012 17:02
I like good news! I don't agree people with good news aren't on here- the people who are really struggling who's stuff is therefore too traumatic and identifiable aren't on much and the people who have only a few hiccoughs don't post much. I think me and my lad are in the middle ish. Blossom is another mAtterPerhaps good news looks a bit different round here? I hope people, wherever they are as a global sort of look at their family will contribute here.pear treePs Can the small steps on planet adoption thread be moved here please?
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LittleDot November 22, 2012 12:25
This is a brilliant idea. Especially for newbies, I'd come off here worried sick prior to being matched and was told by DH to stop coming on but i'm one of those people who needs to know stuff and be prepared. Im the sort that looks up symptoms on the net and diagnoses myself with allsorts on mad ailments (well maybe not that bad but you get the idea - just can't help myself) information overload.Thanks again. I look forward to reading the threads on here
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jmk November 22, 2012 13:01
"We have had a number of requests recently for a ‘positive news’ board; while the boards are an opportunity to share and be supported during challenging times they can also be a space for sharing positive stories and inspiring prospective adopters".Not being funny Admin, but in you own post (highlighted above),you have talked about requests for a "Positive News" board to share positive stories. You then created a board and called it "Good News" and now a few days later you have re-named it "Adopters Good News"? Why have we lost the word "positive" on the way? I know it seems like nit picking and I really don't mean to cause upset, as I am thrilled we finally have this board after asking for so long, but I really don't understand you yourselves refering to it as positive posts and then calling it "Adopters Good News" - think it's a bit confusing TBH.
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Sajah November 22, 2012 14:30
I would presume it is to differentiate it from Prospective Adopters? i.e. to stop it being buried under an avalanche of approvals, completed home studies and the like. They already exist quite happily in the approved and prospective adopters threads.
Edited 17/02/2021


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