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Pilot - The Bridge work experience

July 8, 2019 11:28

Adoption UK is introducing a pilot work placement scheme “The Bridge” (initially in Oxfordshire) which will uniquely meet the challenges experienced by adopted young people. The Bridge differs from traditional work experience programmes by ensuring placements are tailored to the individual young person.

The work placements will be secured within organisations where a training and support programme will be provided directly to staff to ensure they understand the challenges facing adoptive young people, not just in the workplace but also in the wider community. Challenges for adopted young people can vary, but often include anxiety about entering new environments, and can often feel shame and rejection in situations that the majority of employees would accept as the norm.

Both the employers and young people taking part in The Bridge will be supported by Adoption UK for the duration of the placement – with the inclusion of an experienced Peer Mentor who has experience the transition from education to work as an adopted person.

Adoption UK’s corporate partners, PMC who, not are not only offering 2 placements, have also funded The Bridge pilot. The funding will help to support the developed programme to ensure that young people will be supported in the transition from their educational experiences and complete the placement with skills enabling them to apply for work with a better understanding of the expectations of employers.

We are currently recruiting the Peer Mentor for this exciting pilot, more information can be found here:

Edited 17/02/2021


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