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Here we go again

mum.47 September 9, 2009 16:47
I am back on the roller coaster with DS. he has been in his Supported Housing placement for 3 weeks now.Last night at midnight I had a call from him to say he had just crashed his moped going to get "a loaf of bread" and all his money had fallen out of his pocket. He wanted to know how to claim on his bike insurance.. When I explained he was only 3rd party he got quite upset. He then asked what would happen if the bike was stolen??He is hanging round with a crowd of boys that are well known in the area for trouble?
Edited 17/02/2021
aprilshowers September 9, 2009 17:28
mum.47no advice for you as not there yet with mine (but see it looming on the horizon) just sending you my best wishes and hope it turns out right.June.
Edited 17/02/2021
Darcy September 9, 2009 18:03
Here we go, last year AWOL's bike mysteriously was "stolen" from outside of a mates house whilst AWOL was asleep???. We think he could have allegedly sold the bike to pay off a debt, and then tried to claim on the insurance.Love Darcy xx
Edited 17/02/2021
birdlady September 10, 2009 12:35
Mmm, and birdboy's bike was 'stolen' last year. I made him ring the police, tell them the boy he had been told had taken it (took two days for him to tell me who this was) before I would claim on the insurance for him. I made him pay the excess though out of the paper round he had at the time. And told him that I don't believe him, but he has swore that this is the case, and he told the police this (they knew the lad and went and talked to him .. who denied all knowledge) so will claim. But also told him that if I EVER find out he was lying I will tell the police and will sell something of his (bike and other stuff to make up the difference) to cover what the insurance paid out.And then I put it to the back of my mind and just tried to move forward. So this is all I can offer as sdvice, mum47, and to definately contact his key worker and the supported lodgings people. They have input now, and you need to look after yourself and not get sucked back in - your ds wanted this life, he has to face the consequences of his actions, harsh as that sounds it is the only way he is eventually going to progress.Take care, kind regards, birdlady
Edited 17/02/2021


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