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Grieving for foster parents

Gilphi September 20, 2013 22:39
We have recently adopted a 2 1/2 yr old and 31/2 yr old and the 3 1/2yr old is understandably grieving for the foster parents who were brilliant with them. The grieving process started about 2 weeks after they were with us permanently, and we we have been told this is pretty normal. I was wondering how long the process took for other adopted children and if anyone had any good ideas or strategies to help their children through it.
Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda September 20, 2013 22:51
Poor lambs, Simba was much older and able to articulate his feelings more and grieved for FC so much. Its so hard to see them going through it. He has been home for 18 months and rarely talks about them now but it took a long time, he was with them for 4 years. All you can is reassure them, let them know is OK to miss them and talk about it and that you understand they are sad. I've always had a photo of Simba and his FC where he can see it and he has a photo album he can look at whenever he wants. Have you seem them since they were placed with you ? It can help them to understand the FCs havent forgotton them and that nothing bad has happened to them either
Edited 17/02/2021


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