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continence aids for boys

Lankelly December 24, 2014 22:50
Looking for info on pull up pants for night times.Gp. will prescribe if we give details but they don't believe there are any on the script market just generic shop ones that aren't on prescription.we buy weekly 3 sets for three kids. I know there are pads but are these the only option? As I recall they are clumsy , terrible to get in place and not so effective. Son is eight yrs old. Very heavy sleeper and hypo sensitive. But eager to progress from wet beds, pjs etc. Can't wake him to wee; believe me not a good idea.!
Edited 17/02/2021
shadow December 25, 2014 22:40 has a helpline and forum and loads of incontinence products
Edited 17/02/2021
Lankelly December 26, 2014 07:31
I will ask about them. It's just I'm not sure how much is a habit to change/ challenge or part of general delay that may need different response. I expect one day it will just snap into place. When he was just two and a half he took off daytime pullups and was forever dry using a toilet straight away and in the same day he moved from cot to bed. So it's curious this has never linked up for him. I suspect DTrouble you're spot on with the comfort sensation. I hadn't seen launderable under pads .at present we use the 8_15 yr old pull ups. Maybe I can get hold of a wee bottle for bed times...?, he doesn't find going alone anywhere in the house upstairs easy . Thx all it helps to think it through with your experiences.
Edited 17/02/2021
blackcathouse July 6, 2015 15:37
Yes try the local incontinence nurse. It worked a treat for our DD who was 7 1/2 year old. Hope our DS will be dry soon, but he is only 4, but otherwise will wait until we can go down that route with him. Nurse was really helpful and understanding and took into account the gaps we had with history.
Edited 17/02/2021


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