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Adoption of adults

lilyofthevalley March 5, 2018 16:00
This is an interesting article: Lily
Edited 17/02/2021
Haven March 5, 2018 21:47
I think this is a wonderful idea, especially in these days of blended families. I think there are probably some issues to be thought through, and maybe there might need to be slightly different terminology - but the idea of legally becoming related seems like the right solution for many adults.x
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto March 5, 2018 22:55
Would be funny when 18 year olds run back to birth family and get adopted by their birth parents. It makes adoption no longer permanent in a way, what could be good in some cases............ I can see the good points as well.
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 March 5, 2018 23:42
Tricky, where does this leave birth fathers who haven't done anything wrong, just split with the mother. I know the guy in the article says he didn't know who his birth father was, but what about those who do ? There would need to be safeguards of parental rights I think. I am not against taking the age restriction off, but I think the rules need a lot of hard thought. Present adoptions are social work placements for the ( hopefully) good of the child, these would presumably be adults expressing their own choice of parent for whatever motives.
Edited 17/02/2021
Haven March 6, 2018 00:12
Totally agree with that Pingu, it is tricky, and a few issues to iron out, but definitely could be good for some people. X
Edited 17/02/2021
Ford Prefect March 6, 2018 06:54
I think it would always leave the abandoned family hurt. It has the potential to be used as a weapon by birth families of adopted children. Just imagine a time when as well as dealing with the “I’ll see them again when they’re 18” comments you also have to deal with and I’ll adopt you back again. We would be no more than unpaid temporary care with a big “So long and thanks for all the food” at the end.
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 March 6, 2018 12:21
Yes, there should also be safeguarding of adoptive parents rights. The birth parents rights were removed from the court for a reason, there should have to be good reason to legally change that, li,e abuse by adoptive parents ( which does happen occassionallu) not just because an adopter doesn't like his parents any more.And evidence not just false accusations in those situations,
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto March 6, 2018 12:53
We talk about adults here, nobody has parental rights past 21as far as I am aware.
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 March 6, 2018 17:17
When I say rights I am referring to the legal relationship, not whether you can decide anything for them. Perhaps rights was the wrong word.
Edited 17/02/2021


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