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Permanently Logged In - Help Please!

Amymaria April 30, 2010 13:17
I am permanently logged in to the message boards and have been for some time. I am concerned that my identity may be compromised. I have posted about this on Mrs. Higgins topic Logging On but no response from anyone at AUK to me or Mrs. Higgins. Please can this be sorted out quickly. We need to be able to log off effectively and have to log on every time we come on the boards to keep the site safe and secure. Surely? Or am I wrong in thinking this? Can someone from AUK please explain and reassure?
Edited 17/02/2021
Community-Mod April 30, 2010 14:16
Dear Amymaria,AUK takes this very seriously and Jess has reported this bug (along with others) to the developers and has impressed upon them the urgency involved.We understand this is frustrating, and we're sorry that it is still not resolved but we are certainly trying to ensure it is fixed asap.Thanks,Moderator
Edited 17/02/2021
Amymaria April 30, 2010 15:01
Thank you very much for your reply. I will be patient. It is just that it has been going on for quite a while now - at least a week in my case. Perhaps the developers need to focus their efforts on this and deal with other things later. Thanks again.
Edited 17/02/2021
Online Community Team May 5, 2010 10:26
Hi all,I have been in touch with the developers to further emphasise the urgency behind this and the issue with leaving a comment on blogs.Please can I remind people that you are able to log out, I appreciate that this is a long-winded process and it is being resolved so that you automatically logout when you navigate away from the site. However, for the time being, I would recommend to everyone - but in particular those concerned with the security of remaining logged in, that they make sure they have logged out. To logout, you need to go to the home page of the website. On the right hand side, beneath the 'Welcome your name' message is an option to logout.If you click the logout option, you WILL be logged out.If the username and password is blanked out but you are still able to post then I'm afraid you will need to re-login to see the logout option.Again, my apologies for all the problems with the new site. I do appreciate how very frustrating this is.Best wishesJess
Edited 17/02/2021
FehrScaper May 6, 2010 09:03
Can I ask AGAIN, that we have a log-out option on the message boards itself, so we don't have to visit the home page to log-out?
Edited 17/02/2021
Online Community Team May 6, 2010 10:42
Hi FehrScaper, I have requested this from the developers.Best wishesJess
Edited 17/02/2021
FehrScaper May 7, 2010 15:08
Thanks Jess.
Edited 17/02/2021
Community-Mod May 13, 2010 11:16
EllaR,This is ongoing and once it is fixed we shall let you know. However, as Jess has previously detailed, it is possible to log out on the homepage.Regards,Moderator.
Edited 17/02/2021
sparklez May 13, 2010 14:01
This is still an on going issue which some members are only just realizing. Do you not think AUK should e-mail all members to notify them of this problem? at least then all members will be aware of the problem and make sure they do log out.
Edited 17/02/2021
FehrScaper May 13, 2010 14:50
I ditto the above. I would have thought such a serious issue would have a topped notice, with bold title, on each board to ensure all members were aware of it and how to actually log-out. Some members really aren't aware still that they are permanently logged on - as new posts pop up about the issue regularly - and as this is a serious security flaw (especially if using a shared computer or at a library or something) I would have thought AUK would be taking it extremely seriously and ensuring everyone knows about it.Very few people actually visit this board - most stick to the main adoption boards - so won't see notices left here.
Edited 17/02/2021


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