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People staring at LO

Blueberry1 July 28, 2017 18:07
I'm usually a tough cookie but finding it hard to deal with people staring at my LO when she stims or even worse when they make comments about her in front of us. If they'll do this when she's 2, hows it going to be when she's older?? The thought of her going to school terrifies me. Is there any way to prepare her for this?? We're just on our way back from a great holiday but the stares have been worse than ever this week and I think that's why I feel so upset at the minute. Just venting really.
Edited 17/02/2021
Blueberry1 July 28, 2017 18:14
Have to say LO got perfect revenge on a particularly horrible lady recently. LO was struggling with being close to other people in a restaurant and had started to get upset so I brought out some of her spinning toys as they calm her down. Lady looked across and said loudly 'it's ridiculous how all these children are labelled as ASD and ADHD when it's clearly just bad parenting'. LO took great offence to her loud statement, had a bit of a meltdown and in the process happened to kick the lady!! Couldn't have done it better myself!!
Edited 17/02/2021
Wizzywoo July 28, 2017 18:22
I have 2 kids with complex needs so we are regularly stared at when out in public. To be honest it is something you get used to ( within reason) and a lot of the time it goes over my head now. If needs be i have perfected the death glare over the top of my glasses which can be v effective ! The comments are harder to deal with in a way as people can be v ignorant or offensive though often it is unintentional. You do not have to impart any info at all and can tell them your childs needs are not their business though that is not always easy i know. So no real advice but i really do understand. We are on holiday this week and 11 yr old has been awful screaming and throwing himself around his wheelchair every 30 seconds on average so we are providing entertainment wherever we go ! The trip out today ended in a hasty retreat to our caravan due to stress levels all round (and torrential rain ). Oh well only 5 weeks to go !! Keep your chin up Blueberry x
Edited 17/02/2021
Blueberry1 July 28, 2017 23:51
Goodness wizzy, that sounds very difficult. We often don't make it through a full day out but we're going to keep trying!! I guess I have to toughen up a bit and I'm def going to work on a death stare!! It's been pretty relentless this week with being on holiday. Everyone seems to know us back home and she's just accepted for who she is. On a positive note most of her stimming was from happiness and only one major public meltdown in 5 days. Thanks for your support xxx
Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda July 29, 2017 00:08
sounds to me like she will deal with it just fine, I think I might have kicked that lady as well. Ive had my share of stares, the worst thing that happened to me was being on the receiving end of a torrent of expletive ridden abuse from two men when I was trying to prevent Simba punching me. i think you have two choices really. As you say at home people accept her for who she is. You can ignore random people, who cares, you won't see them again. Or you can confront them with their ignorance. Simba's public stimming has improved hugely over the last few years, he has learnt to control it to some extent. He saves it all for me !
Edited 17/02/2021


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