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Parental Algebra

Sockthing August 28, 2013 13:37
(Anxiety) X (too little sleep) = (too much coffee + too much CBeebies) = under-exercised boy= (bad night + too little sleep)= overtired + anxious = too little sleep.......= (coffee and CBeebies) X infinity
Edited 17/02/2021
Sivier August 28, 2013 15:01
Ah yes it can definitely feel like that...Maybe (+ a homemade fresh fruit juice smoothie + a modest walk around the block) = aid mood and sleep = decreasing % of exhaustion....Sympathies, have had long periods of very broken nights and chronic tiredness. Hope tonight is better.
Edited 17/02/2021
Sockthing August 28, 2013 17:37
Thank you Sivier. Unfortunately a walk up to the park was cut short when Kipper kept forgetting about "kind hands" and I had to be a mean mummy and follow through on my consequence. Ended up with a big meltdown and me carrying him all the way home screaming and writhing. Things not going so well here at the moment.
Edited 17/02/2021
Sivier August 28, 2013 21:16
That sounds tough, sorry that your efforts to get time outdoors didn't go so well.I do hope that the formula changes a bit, and you both get some decent sleep to help break this current cycle.Can't recall what your local network support is like - any chance of some 'respite' from a close friend just so you can get a breather from it all? I know this can be tricky - we have no family nearby which has been quite hard.... now, almost three years in I can see a glimmer in terms of babysitting or child care possibilities, but it has been quite a slog (notwithstanding the massive love for my child etc!). Hope you are better placed in that respect - now sounds a very valid time to call on some support.
Edited 17/02/2021
Sockthing August 29, 2013 20:16
Thanks. Unfortunately he is massively anxious about separation, and thats been one of the major stresses throughout placement. there isn't anyone really that I can leave him happily with except my parents, and they seem less keen than they used to be.....He's starting nursery at the moment which I think has triggered all this challenging stuff. I guess at least it will give me some space if we can get through the pain barrier!Thanks for your support.
Edited 17/02/2021


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