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How long to leave it before chasing children up on linkmaker

Cheekycat May 9, 2019 10:41


How long do folk leave it before sending messages on linkmaker to family finders for chasing up children? It is very disheartening to wait two-three weeks after sending your PAR only to get a no! I know they are busy but it is frustrating!

Edited 17/02/2021
Ford Prefect May 9, 2019 11:20

It all depends on the attitude of the Family Finders and how many potential matches. When we were Family finding, often we would never get a response. I would usually give it a couple of weeks to be processed and find its way into the pile of possible matches coming for other sources. It’s worth making this sort of post in the Linkmaker Q&A which would probably get responses from current Linkmaker users with more up to date experiences.

Edited 17/02/2021
May 11, 2019 07:42

When we were looking for a child, we used to give it a week before chasing it up with the family finder. In my view, it just shows that you are really interested in the child.

Edited 17/02/2021


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