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Adoption Leave - employed and self-employed

Mairi August 17, 2021 17:05

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this. My husband is employed, I'm self-employed. We have panel coming up in about six weeks, and his employer is dragging their heels about a clear answer as to whether we can choose for him to take adoption leave. Their policy states that he would get 20 weeks full pay, plus any holiday. Obviously as a self-employed person I'd get none. There seems to be very little clear information about this online. Has anyone been in our situation/have any advice?

August 17, 2021 19:20

The short answer is you choose who can take adoption leave, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria.

If you were both employed, you could choose to share the leave, or choose which one of you took it, the other one would be entitled to paternity leave.

Its really none of the employer's business about who takes the adoption leave. Your husband is legally entitled to it.

Presumably this is because he is a man and men don't do things like childcare do they? They sound like they are in the dark ages.

You could refer them to the ACAS guidance or the gov,uk guidance on this

Good luck at panel.

Ouzel River August 24, 2021 13:30

Good luck - it's a mess; my wife actually quit work, partly so I could get adoption leave without any headaches. (Sadly that was before we discovered that all the timescales we were getting from our agency were wildly optimistic "best cases" so we've spent months on one income while still awaiting a match - thankfully matched now though)

Mairi September 7, 2021 09:10

Thank you both - it's all sorted now, and HR eventually got back to confirm that it was up to us to choose who took the leave, and it's now all planned.


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