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I can''t read all of The New website - launching Tuesday 3 September

FIM August 30, 2013 08:37
As if to show why we need new boards, the above post is missing the last few words on every line when I try to access it!I know this happens to a few posts on here and that someone did say how it could be fixed many moons ago, but I can''t remember. So if you can see the whole post and have better IT skills please can you let me know what the rest of it says. Thank you
Edited 17/02/2021
Sockthing August 30, 2013 13:34
Good afternoon everyone,I’m very pleased to let you know that we will be launching our new website very soon – on Tuesday 3 September.Our message boards have provided peer-to-peer support for ten years. There is no doubt that the success of the boards is down to the hundreds of users who take the time to offer support to those who ask for it and those who share their experiences to help people feel understood.We don’t want to lose those real-life stories, helpful experiences or valuable knowledge and I’m pleased to say that our new forums will include an archive of the old forum’s content as a reference resource. This may not be available immediately at launch, but we’ll make sure it’s available as soon as possible.If you have an active thread on the boards at the moment, you might want to take a note of the responses you have until Tuesday 3 September, and it would be great if you could then repost it once the new forums are live. However, we won’t be able to transfer any of the private messages you may have received over the years you have used the boards.In the new forums, members will have access to a members’ only area, while the majority of the boards and the vital information and support shared on them will be available to all registered users.The way the boards are run and moderated will stay the same, in essence. However, we are looking forward to working with all our users to explore new opportunities to provide further helpful content, services and facilities as the new forums develop over the coming years.Find out more detail here the best,KateOnline Manager
Edited 17/02/2021
Sockthing August 30, 2013 13:35
Did that work for you FIM?
Edited 17/02/2021


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