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Books with Adoption Themes

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jmk November 6, 2012 09:43
I thought I''d start a thread for people to add any books with adoption themes to, because otherwise they get lost on the board pages and are hard to find.It would be nice to group them in one place and others can add their finds to this thread.I found this one which is similar to the "baby''s first year record books" that most people get for their BC, but this one is for Adopted Children/Babies. It is a bit American and does talk about baby showers, but you could always stick photo''s all over that page if you wanted to.Would also make a great present to give to anyone who has just had a child placed.It''s called "My family, My journey" - a baby book for adoptive families by Zoe Francesca and costs around £10.79.Would be better if she refered to LO rather than baby, but since our LO''s are our babies it is a start I suppose.Might contact the author and see if she could bring out one for slightly older children.
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jmk November 6, 2012 09:56
My New Family - (a first look at adoption) by Pat Thomas £7.50.An excellent book about adoption - aimed at children of 3+, accessible, not too long, good quality pictures make it easy to adapt to your own situation when reading, good explanation of moving from foster carers to adoptive family without being too heavy.(Only downside is showing BM sick in hospital - don't really see the sense in this)but the rest of the book is good to promote questions or get your child talking about adoption and understanding why they came to be with you.
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jmk November 6, 2012 10:02
Nutmeg Gets Adopted - by Judith FoxonOne of the hardest things when talking to your adopted child is discussing why they could not stay with birth parents. How do you tell a small child that their first mum simply did not feed them? Or left them alone? This book makes a brave attempt to look at this issue. Too many books look at the romantic, rosy side of adoption and sadly, for most kids in the UK system, this is just not appropriate.It it helpful when introducing this difficult subject to a child. It is not too specific and it is non judgemental and also is English as opposed to American which a lot of other adoption books are. Helpful practice notes are also included.
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jmk November 6, 2012 10:10
The Teazles' Baby Bunny - by Susan BugnallThis is a beautiful rhyming story that tells how mummy & daddy rabbit didn't have a baby and McBadger found them a baby. It tells of their joy and how they prepared their home ready to welcome their little one.It is told beautifully and it tells the excitement of the parents waiting and preparing for their child. Aimed at very young children to explain how they came to live with you.This would also make a wonderful gift for a child going home with their new parents
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Donatella November 6, 2012 10:29
We Belong Together - Todd Parr. Bright colours, few words but talks about how they came to be together. My son used to love it. Our Twitchy is another one we've used.
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jmk November 6, 2012 10:37
Finding a Family for Tommy - by Rebecca DanielA 16 page spiral bound book, useful for Foster Carers to explain to their foslings about how SS are looking for a forever family for them. Good preparation for moving on to forever family.A BAAF publication.
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Pear Tree November 6, 2012 11:12
Tom and the tree houseGreat for slightly older child who is adopted and then the family has a birth child.
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jmk November 6, 2012 13:22
Thanks Ladies - Let's hope others add more.
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jmk November 6, 2012 13:23
Jessica Strange - by Malorie BlackmanI like this book as it has a simple story about a cat who doesn't look like any of it's brothers or sisters. She goes round the farmyard asking questions and trying to see who she looks like to try and fit in. It's not about adoption per say, but can be adapted to suit the readers needs and the lesson learned is that your family love you anyway even if you look a bit different to them.My DD's loved this story when they were little.
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Shortbread November 6, 2012 21:27
I found Picnic in the Park to be a great read, sorry can't remember author, but its sold by Amazon and BAAF.The book is about a child having a birthday party in the park, and then speaks about individual families who are attending, it identifies adopted children, fostered children, same sex couples, individuals with disability. I found this very helpful at "normalising" adoption and promoting diversity.
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Shortbread November 6, 2012 21:28
I meant to add that DS benefited from the Nutmeg books, I'd recommend them.
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trishrebel November 10, 2012 01:51
Just been published November 2012 by an adopter!Adoption Life Story Books - online story book creator, help your young adopted child understand their start in life. Adoptive Mum to 2 young children.North West England@HuggleBooks on
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trishrebel November 10, 2012 01:55
Huggle books is also on Facebook
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trishrebel November 10, 2012 02:00
Or this one:
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Dusty November 11, 2012 16:04
'from you to me' books. You create your own story of your first year, second year etc together in their book and can give it for the child's 18th birthday. Really well set out.
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jmk January 14, 2013 09:43
Bumped for Minnie7
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jmk January 14, 2013 15:36
The Great Big Book Of Families - by Mary Hoffman.A really good book for LO's aged 2+ to understand that there are different kinds of non traditional families and how you can have a family of just two people. Lovely illustrations and it's very multi cultural too showing a white couple with a black/mixed baby.
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jmk January 14, 2013 15:39
Motherbridge of love - by Xianran XueCherish the special bond between parent and child with this beautiful, anonymously written poem. Through the exchanges between a little Chinese girl and her white adoptive parents, this poignant selection celebrates love and family. Text royalties from this book are donated to Mother Bridge of Love, a charity that reaches out to Chinese children all over the world in order to develop a connection between China and the West, and between adoptive culture and birth culture. Xinran, the acclaimed Chinese author, broadcaster and journalist, is the founder of Mother Bridge of Love.
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jmk January 14, 2013 15:40
Website which has a lot of multicultural
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jmk January 14, 2013 15:49
I Love You Like Crazy Cakes - by Rosie Lewis;Author single adopter Rose Lewis brings to life her true story of adopting a baby from China. What begins as a letter to Chinese officials ends with bringing home a baby girl, to the delight of new mum and extended family.Jane Dyer's illustrations are soft and dreamy, and perfectly compliment the story of Rose and her daughter, Alexandra Mae-Ming Lewis. From that first time of holding her new daughter, to the first night alone back in America, the feelings of love and devotion are evident on every page.Although this is a book sure to appeal to parents who have adopted children from other countries, specifically China, it's a great story for any child, adopted or not. It is a great first introduction as to what adoption truly means and is good for single adoptive parents.
Edited 17/02/2021
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