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Our First Year Together

roojets June 13, 2014 22:03
Looking back over our first year with our lovely daughters I can't quite believe how lucky we are to have them. They are amazing and I love being their mum. I just wanted to share that on here because I remember being a perspective adopter and searching for positive posts. But all the negative posts and advice I read on here, helped to prepare me, probably more than all the books put together! Our girls both have some extra needs in different ways and our VA have been brilliant. The training and support from them has been incredible.
Edited 17/02/2021
mumofboys June 15, 2014 00:10
Thank you so much for this, we start our intros next Monday with our two little boys and there are some addition need that we will need support with but I'm so excited to become their mama. I hope in a years time my post will mirror yours. Thank you again for sharing Fox
Edited 17/02/2021
chicken July 1, 2014 00:59
Thank goodness to hear happy stories! :)
Edited 17/02/2021
roojets December 24, 2016 07:56
For some reason Xmas makes me think of Adoption UK. Thought I just do an update. Its been a really tough year in a lot of ways, trying to get my head around being a single parent and doing the whole dating thing again. I've had some counselling from our amazing VA and that has been fantastic. But my girls now 8&6 are thriving! Eldest still has meltdowns very occasionally but has learnt how to self regulate and will now go get chewing gum, ice or take herself off to calm down most of the time. She was elected class counsellor and she told me about an time when she stepped in to stop her friends being mean in the playground. Youngest is having extra help at school but doing well with it. She now has a special friend for the first time and has started expressing her emotions brilliantly. This years school photo could be an advert for adoption and therapeutic parenting. Two children who are happy, healthy and feel loved and proud, it even looks like they like each other! :-)
Edited 17/02/2021
Wizzywoo December 24, 2016 11:31
Oh that is lovely have a great christmas
Edited 17/02/2021


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