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mother and baby fc

smileycat September 1, 2012 17:33
Hi there,I hope you don''t mind me asking but a very close friend of mine has seen us adopt our two wonderful children and has decided that she would really like to foster, she has 4 children already so hubbie has said no to adoption!!She is really interested in looking into either respite or Mum and baby placements.Would anyone be able to advise what''s involved.I''m wondering if given she has 4 kids the sw will say no to both of the above at this time. Her eldest is 10, her youngest is 3.Many thanks,Smileycat
Edited 17/02/2021
loadsofbubs September 1, 2012 18:33
mum and baby placements tend to be considered specialist placements in my LA so it might be they'd prefer a more mainstream placement first and to see some evidence of working with birth parents and possibly teens before they'd do a M&B placement. then again they may just jump at the chance of them doing this so who knows?! they would need a spare room for M&B. in some of these placements baby sleeps with fc while mum is woken for night feeds, for some the fc's have a more hands off role. dont let them underestimate the stress though of having not only a little alien baby in the house but adult too, it can be very stressful sharing a home with another woman particularly one where standards may be very very different to theirs. we only have one M&B carer in our LA, a single lady with no children of her own and she seems to cope admirably. not sure i'd want the stress with my own children still at home. i did once do a 5 day a week 6 hour days contact, so a M&B placement without the overnights really. my children found it very difficult becoz they felt there was no privacy for them and mum had some pretty poor personal hygiene as well.its somehting i'd consider doing again, but only when all my children have left home.
Edited 17/02/2021
smileycat September 1, 2012 18:36
Thanks SO much loadsabubs!! Much appreciated
Edited 17/02/2021


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