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Rights of biological father after the adoption

Webbfamily06 September 26, 2018 17:51
Looking for advice. My husband adopted my two children from my first marriage 18 years ago my ex husband was not interested in the kids even though I had given him plenty of chances and he signed the papers with no problems. Fast forward 15 years and they are both over 18 never hid the truth from and my Daughter decided she wanted to see her records. We inquired with the social services that arranged the adoption if the first place that because we moved out of the area we would have to contact our local social services who would contact them etc. So she decided not to continue. Now three years down the line our son has been in contact with his biological father and he has said the county council sent his biological father a letter to say that our daughter had inquired about her adoption records. I didn't think that social services were allow to inform the biological parent after they had signed all rights away.
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella September 26, 2018 18:37 If the child is over 18 then they can apply to be put on the register to say they’re searching. Ditto birth family members. Birth father won’t have parental rights but can also search. Probably better if they do it through an intermediary and with Support.
Edited 17/02/2021
safia September 26, 2018 19:06
They can also put they don’t want to be contacted - or only under specific circumstances - such as death / serious illness - ours had a form from SS to fill in to specify their choices - through letterbox - you might be able to get one through post adoption support (SW) in your local area - unless the link above is a way of doing this online?
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree September 26, 2018 21:37
Yes they do contact the people named in the records, under data protection. This is so they don’t have to redact a whole lump of information to give to your daughter/son making a lot of the records nonsensical It’s also cheaper for the ss and takes less time etc
Edited 17/02/2021


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