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First Home Visit

Simba01 September 20, 2012 16:55
What a day! We got a call at 10am today from Agency to book in our first home visit. Turns out we were all free today so we had our first visit at 2pm!Just enough time to whizz the Hoover round It all went really well and the SW told us she was recommending us to the next available prep course so we''ve got everything crossed. She also said she hoped she''d get assigned to us as she really liked us which was lovely! Just wondered how folks found the Prep course. Any top tips? Simba
Edited 17/02/2021
mattio78 September 20, 2012 19:55
Glad it went well!! We enjoyed our course. I hate meetings, training etc so was not looking forward to it but really, really enjoyed it. They did alot of stuff about abuse throughout ours, and i mean alot!! We covered attachment and did alot of group work.We also had a visit from a birth mother who had given up her little ones and she came with her with her social worker. We had people on our course saying oh its such a shame, 15 and pregnant etc, how awful for her`. I wasnt feeling sorry for her at all, in fact she was annoying me to pieces with her woeful story. I wanted to point out contraception would have been an idea and lay off the drugs but my partner could sense my frustration and gave me a look to keep my mouth shut!We made friends with 2 great couples and keep in touch, go to their houses for meals etc. I think they tell you worst case scenerios to see if it puts you off, but it didnt us, it just made us more determined.We were being watched on ours and marked which goes in our file. Marks out of 10 for participation, answesr ect so remember that just incase.We are on our 6th home visit, and it is alot of repeating ourselves. They come at 9.30 and leave at 1.30!! Each visit!!Anyway, things with us are going ggrrrreat!Good luck!Mattio
Edited 17/02/2021
catnipsam September 20, 2012 20:03
Hi, it only seems like two minutes since we went to our prep course! I hate training courses but this was so different, it was really enjoyable, the only thing I will say is its extremely packed so I mentally came away with my head hurting! I hadnt felt like that since school, or perhaps it was just me!! They seem to give you a little bit of information about every subject but it does give you an insight into the individual courses you can book yourself onto after. They are voluntary but to be honest its good to do as many courses as you can as you will be asked about them later on in home visits and adoption panel. And you will also meet people along the way who were at prep with you! Good luck x
Edited 17/02/2021


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