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SCAMPS assessment outcome

Fenwick June 10, 2018 11:24
I wonder if anyone can advise me where can we as a family go from here? My ADs son is now 10, but will soon turn 11 and is to start Secondary school in September. My AD is waiting for a formal assessment for ASD ( I believe now called ASC). She was disagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, but she, we and her GP think she has always had ASC. Her son had a very rocky start in life, my D left him, and he lived with us for 3 years . He was developmentally delayed, saw a Paediatrician, had speech therapy and moved back with Mum and new BF aged 3 1/2. Since then his life is much more stable, but he continues to show ASC tendancies.. At age 6 he was referred for formal SCAMPS assessment. This did not take place until last July/ August( so that's 4 years!) Obviously, the school had broken up for Summer, so the input from his school was minimal. The actual assessment was brief and the outcome was ADDHD. The GP, School and we did not agree with this at all . He has been seeing a nurse at CAMHS, who also thinks he is on the Autistic spectrum. . He wrote to the SCAMPS team December 2017 to query this politely , and ask if they would reconsider the ADDHD diagnosis and put forward his views and the schools ( especially in light of starting a new school soon) The reply came last week ( 6 months later ) . In effect a one liner saying Grandson would have to be referred again if outcome of assessment was not agreed with. I think this is shocking as a service, and has a big impact on GS. Does anyone else have any idea where we can go from here? Who to appeal to? Obviously he cannot wait another several years! D says CAMHS are saying they cannot help him as they feel he is on the Autistic Soectrum
Edited 17/02/2021
hannah2837 June 11, 2018 00:03
What a terrible level of service. I believe you can put in a formal complaint as there appears to be evidence that hasn't been considered during his assessment, and you seriously question their ability to correctly diagnose your grandson. Not to mention timescales and the potential harm that could be caused whilst waiting for re-referral. I think a strongly worded letter to the senior consultant may be worthwhile - and take it from there. There will be a complaints procedure available to follow, so document everything and also ask for a meeting with managers to discuss your complaint / concerns and get a plan of action from them. (Aside of that, I was under the impression that Camhs can also still diagnose ASC??) I have a friend who recently challenged a consultant paed's lack of diagnosis, and successfully got it changed, so it is possible - with the right evidence.
Edited 17/02/2021
Fenwick June 11, 2018 13:20
Many thanks, Hannah. Since my daughter and partner have appointment on Wednesday to see CAMHS ( without little boy) I wil include you points on a crib sheet for her
Edited 17/02/2021


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