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If my child goes into foster care.

nancydanfan December 22, 2012 04:57
If my child goes into foster care because I consider her to be vulnerable and she will not abide by rules and no allegations have been made against us,am I allowed to give foster carer all the background I feel foster carer needs to protect themselves/keep child safe?Sorry for diabolically long sentence.Do SS have a duty to provide fcs with as much information as possible if adoptive parent really feels it will benefit child/placement. If I were to express in writing my desire to provide fc with all relevant information to protect dd and protect them could SS be held accountable if such info is not provided to FC? (age 16 with no official diagnosis of vulnerabilty but clear, known causes for concern in this area and being referred by dr for counselling.0Do foster carers have a right to ask for information that parent is wanting to offer? Can Social Services control all information passed from me to my daughter if she is in foster care?I hope this makes me if preferred
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM December 22, 2012 14:14
don't know, but suspect it depends on your contact with FC and your relationship with them
Edited 17/02/2021
Hilly7 December 22, 2012 14:26
I would think you are allowed to give the FC that info. Certainly if the child is under a Section 20 care plan (when the parent agrees to the child going into care) rather than an ICO you are in a strong position as a parent and hold the majority of the PR.
Edited 17/02/2021
mama1 January 11, 2013 21:00
When we put our as into foster care we had to fill in a form , and write down on the form details that we felt the foster carers should know, about behaviours etc,all this was passed on to the foster carers although dont know if different ss have different ways.We also have the fc phone number and were told we can phone them anytime.Hope this helps
Edited 17/02/2021


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