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Adoption UK awarded National Lottery funding for cutting edge project to support thousands of adoptive families

onlineteamAUK June 7, 2019 13:41

AUK awarded £3.6m in funding for project to support thousands of adoptive families across England, Scotland and Wales. The project, TESSA (Therapeutic, Education and Support Services in Adoption) will expand the N Ireland programme to the rest of the UK - read more:

Edited 17/02/2021

Best wishes, Online Team AUK
Safia June 7, 2019 14:35

Maybe some of this money could be used to support a forum for adopters other than prospective / early placement - as used to be available - in which experienced adopters are able to seek support / help others for the wide range of serious and complex issues affecting the children in their care. As suggested in the other thread - can the forum recover - as I think you mentioned there that plans would be proceeding to develop the site taking into account the issues raised earlier in that thread. This - the old forums - has been mentioned by several people, including me, as the most valuable source of support they have had when their children were younger and it is such a shame to be losing it.

Edited 17/02/2021


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