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mixed couple? mixed race child?

barbamama May 1, 2011 23:29
Hi all :-)Am pretty new to these boards!! Me and my DH are in the very early stages of adoption. After at last decided this REALLY is what we want to to do....we are currently trying to decide which LA/VA to go with!!! Would love to hear from any one who has/or is hoping to adopt a mixed race child. We are a white and black caribbean couple. Would love to hear/share any experiences you may have had.... or are having!Thanks for readingJ x
Edited 17/02/2021
double trouble May 10, 2011 21:28
Hi barbamama.Welcome to the boards :-)We are a mixed couple. Black caribbean ma and white pa.We recently adopted two lovely little boys.We went with our local LA. We applied to them first because at the time, didn't know any different! Didn't even realise there was a choice. Because of heritage, we were snapped up immediately.Whole process took 2 years but our Social Worker (SW) told us we could have been matched many times over if we weren't so specific.Your question is quite wide so I'm not quite sure what you'd like to know. Give me a shoutAll the best!
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selg June 23, 2011 19:55
HiSorry I've missed this post for some reason, we are mixed race - DH Caribbean/White and me White, we have just had a black lo placed with us. I was a positive but emotional journey to get here, so If you have any questions feel free to message me.Sel
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selg June 23, 2011 19:56
We went with a VA and it took 18 months beginning to end, our little boy was 12 months when we brought him home.
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jamrolypoly June 25, 2011 11:30
Hi barbamama,We are a mixed couple, black caribbean / white mummy (to be) and white british daddy (to be). We are with our local LA & are approved and waiting for a match to be confirmed at the moment. All going well so far but there aren't nearly as many mixed race children available as our LA led us to believe, but that may be due to where we live, but overall we're happy with the way our LA has handled everything. We're being matched (hopefully) with children from another LA which we found on BMP / CWW so fingers crossed.Anyway, good luck with everything.
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selg July 4, 2011 21:53
Our child was matched out of area, we live a 2.5hour train ride from where he came from. Our SW was inundated with queries from family finders wanting more info about us after seeing us on the register. At one point she had 7 possibles for us - she didn't let us have them all, just gave them to us a couple at a time. Weirdly, our little one was the one we saw first and wanted most.
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Ayodele05 October 24, 2011 12:05
Hey all, we are a mixed heritage couple, myself white British, my wifie Black British/Jamaican hoping to adopt a sibling pair of mixed white/Caribbean, ideally Jamaican heritage. Read our hello post in Approved Prospective Adopters. We've had a long 6 years in the process....
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Lilieth50 December 15, 2011 10:45
Hi, we too are a mixed heritage couple - I'm Black British (Jamaican heritage) and my husband White British. We have an adopted son who is dual heritage, and are at the early stages of starting the process to adopt again. Just deciding which LA to go with at present. Its been a few years since we last visited the Adoption UK website, so good to see the changes and that there is a section for BME adopters.
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Ayodele05 April 25, 2012 22:34
Hey barbamama! After 7 years, we've now got our beautiful mixed race boys, Picked them up on Friday. Apart from a few wobbles and stubbornness at bedtime, it's going well. They call us Mum n Dad and we love them dearly :,-)I've posted extensively about our introduction period if you wish to search for us & check them out.Hope all goes well for you.S & L
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Lonsdale April 26, 2012 07:53
One thing not noticed mentioned is how many children of similar background to you live in an LA or are in care with a LA. If locally or in local consortium there are a lot, then LA or neighbouring LA will probably be able to match you. If not, then either contacting VAs who cover the national picture might give you a better chance, but either way it is largely a personal decision about how you get on with an agency. l
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Cookie187 April 27, 2012 21:06
Hi barbamama (cool name),Welcome to the rollercoaster ride of your life! I am mixed Euro-asian, DH is French-born with White British parents, and we have always wanted to adopt a mixed-heritage group of brothers. Our LA has found us a match with two boys 3/4 White British, 1/4 Black Caribbean.As some of the posters have already stated, our experience so far has ranged from the mundane ("do you have any Black British/Caribbean contacts?") to strange ("do you know what it's like to be different to everyone around you?") to the uncomfortable ("what is the ethnic mix of your proposed school? and how any Black British/Caribbean people attend your church?").We are at pre-matching stage, and are preparing our adoption placement report. It is disheartening sometimes to be continually challenged and asked the same questions over and over, as sometimes it seems to us that heritage is the only thing they are concerned with. There are times when I really just want to discuss the boys's experiences as we are concerned about making their transition as painless as possible but such topics do sometimes seem to be taking a back seat. That said, we seem to have had a good experience with our SW and her team so far, they are open with us and don't try to dictate what we should do/say too much. They have been very understanding of our adoption preferences and - as most of us here have stated already - given our mixed heritage, they have been very very keen to keep us to themselves! We have not been released onto the national register yet, and from some of the responses here I feel lucky we were able to be matched with a group with our LA. Better yet, our SW is also the boys's family finder, so fewer people involved in the process (which always slows things down).Hope you keep in touch on here, so we can keep sharing experiences.Keep going though it will all be worth it in the end
Edited 17/02/2021


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