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local auth grants and private trust funds

Lankelly September 24, 2013 08:22
hello just to say we are in the very fortunate position of being given a grant via placing LA that came from govt fund. Its a good sum towards a third bedroom for last child who is birth sibling to 2nd but sadly not enough for what will be needed. So in a dilemma do we use it now on general repairs and make do forever with problems of shared rooms? or is there an independent scheme that can top up.... we have a start up business and no cash left now having moved for 3rd child .Two of the kids will highly likely need wheelchair and medical assistance in teens.Though we can't know for sure yet that scuppers a lot of disability charities. As we are older parents we really need to get it right. we know the bank options but can't lose any income to support abuildfor very long time yet. it could be a desperate situation soon. Any resources to charitable bodies out there? thanks .
Edited 17/02/2021


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