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Jingle bells July 23, 2019 19:24

I agree with Becky post above, I am white, as is my husband, and we fostered Afro Caribbean siblings . They were the only black children in our town and school. Everyone knew they were fostered.. when we visited the city, they would stare at black people, when at a show the youngest stood on his chair and had a good look around , I asked if he was looking for someone and he responded by saying just someone that looks like me. To them, it was very important when they moved onto permanence that it was a family that they blended in, rather than being so obviously different.

Edited 17/02/2021
MotherToMany July 25, 2019 22:17

I adopted because I wanted to give a child a loving home. I also knew my limitations of what I could cope with. I also have a birth children so I also know that the unknown is always out there. However, as we are presented with a choice. I’m only being human.

When starting the process. I said that I would take any child from any ethnicity. Then I thought how would my child feel. People feel that they have the right to point out that your child looks nothing like you and children can be equally cruel. My Lo was chosen for me. I trusted my Social worker as she knew me best. My Son recently changed classes. As I walked in, a nursery teacher that I hadn’t met said I know whos mummy you are he looks exactly like you!!! My Son will always know that he was adopted but it’s his story for him to share!!!

Would I ever give him up. No, I can honestly say I would kill for him!!

Edited 17/02/2021
Serrakunda27 July 25, 2019 22:23

Mojo, that would probably have happened if you were black as well. I'm white, my son is black. no one stares at us, he doesnt stare at anyone because we live in a very diverse city.

As a trans racial adopter, I would never live anywhere we would stand out and I think that should be a consideration where children are placed

Edited 17/02/2021
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