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10 years later

flower_star April 22, 2018 09:56
Hello Everyone It’s been a very long time since I was on these boards.. they’ve completely changed! I used to be active on these around 10 years ago (10 years!!!!) as a prospective adopter and then when my dd was placed at the age of 5. - I have no idea what my username was back then. My daughter is now 15. She is a remarkable individual. She is achieving at school. She’s complex, she has ambitions, friends and teenage angst. She has managed incredibly well. A few years after my daughter arrived, I adopted again. My ds arrived at the age of 5. He is equally as wonderful as my dd. His history is very complex. His issues are complex. School didn’t work for him. He is currently homeschooled. I have a strong support network. I am able to work (pt). Life in our house is interesting! The trauma for both of my children is played out in different ways, often the opposites of the other. However, we travel, we have fun, we live. Of course with trauma, there’s also sadness, despair, loss, feelings of inadequacy and frustration - and that’s just me! Life is a rollercoaster of extreme emotions. We celebrate our family unit and we celebrate our individuality. We (try) to laugh... a lot. I was a single adopter. I am single adopter. For us, that’s ok. I hope everyone I used to speak to is ok. I am happy to talk to anyone about our journey so far. I just wanted to come and say hi. - is this where people still talk?
Edited 17/02/2021
Lettice April 22, 2018 10:20
Hi flower star I probably remember you - the Single Adopters page was a lovely cosy group 10yrs ago. I always felt privileged to share the journey with that cohort. It's really good to hear that another one of us has survived the intervening decade! We probably chatted because my children were also primary school age when they were placed with me, and I'm passionate about the opportunities of adoption for slightly older children. My dd was 5yrs like yours and has also grown into an amazing young person.
Edited 17/02/2021
flower_star April 22, 2018 11:36
Hi Lettice Thank you for replying. Has your username changed? Because I do think I recognise it/you! I am also a great advocate for school age adoptees. There were a few of us 10 years ago going through this as singly’s. How have you found the last decade?
Edited 17/02/2021
Johanna April 22, 2018 13:08
Hi Just o say that it is lovely to read your update. I have been on these boards for a long time too. It is good to know that you are making the most of your family life and that your daughter and your son are succeeding in their own ways. Our girls are both mums themselves ...10 yrs ago they were 13 and 7. It has been complicated to raise them but they are very much part of our lives. Johanna
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 April 22, 2018 13:41
I am not a single adopter , but our journey has been similar, with two complex but managing, school kids. AS1 moved here exactly 10 years ago today !!! Best Wishes to all of you for he future, Pingu
Edited 17/02/2021
safia April 22, 2018 13:46
I didn't post 10 years ago but used to read a lot - I would recognise a lot of the old posters so will probably work it out eventually! Reading everyone's posts was such a help to me and where I got most of my support from - even if anonamously. So glad to hear everything is going well for you - I'm not a single adopter but always read the posted today forums
Edited 17/02/2021
About you now April 23, 2018 08:11
Same here Safia - we were avid readers of the 'posted today' section too 10 years ago (I still am, but I do post now!) I feel like I knew all the 'oldies' personally - if I met 'shadow' now in the real world I would like to give her a massive hug; felt at the time that all her difficulties with shadette were not the norm in adoption but sadly realise now this was not the case. Anyway...welcome back flower_star! xxxx
Edited 17/02/2021
Madrid April 23, 2018 09:48
Hallo, flower_star. I don’t know what your username would have been 10 years ago but I was definitely around then (for much longer than 10 years), so I would have seen you about and probably chatted. I’m pleased to hear that things are going well for you and your family. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Edited 17/02/2021


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