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discrimination complaint

Suki and Dylan February 24, 2015 21:38
We were turned down by LA as we are Jewish and vegetarian. We are still fighting a discrimination case, we approached the ombudsman out of the allowed timeline and they will not investigate further and we need to give them some extenuating circumstances as to why we could not contact them sooner. We told them we were going through other agencies and struggling to continue our adoption journey, this is not enough. it has to be something extreme to make them take on our case. Any ideas from anyone would be very much appreciated. We are really gutted that we cannot take this further. thank you v much
Edited 17/02/2021
chestnuttree February 25, 2015 00:00
We were turned down by our LA, because we are white - also after one phone call. We weren't what they were looking for, based on the children they were trying to place. We went with a VA instead. After approval we were told by several sw that we weren't the right ethnicity for their white British children (we are white European). Ironically we adopted transracially in the end. If I were you, I would try another agency.
Edited 17/02/2021
Tea addict February 25, 2015 09:01
I know you've said in previous posts that you've been to 3 agencies. Have they all said the same thing? or are they using it as one of several reasons why they're turning you down? VA's tend to be better at accepting people who have additional things to consider so maybe it's worth heading down that route like others have said.
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree February 25, 2015 09:03
We took a very serious complaint via ombudsman before and it took ages and in the end they offered a rehashed version of what that la said. Which was a pack of lies. The options are complaints via council ofsted & care commission. Martin Narey may be interested in your case if you email him. if you still want to continue into the world of adoption then this is not a good route as councils have long memories. They're not positive about complaints Vegetarian and Jewish is a big point to prove for an assessing sw. I know sw here have a really tough job getting christians through but Sikh Muslim Hindu seem to have a much easier ride. The SWs tell me they have to be extra thorough and be prepared for long questions and decision maker delays. It sounds like you're facing similar within your lot re Judaic practice So there's prejudging going on on religious/ cultural grounds and I think it's possibly deeper than the stuff you get on weight or having a dog it's because faith and culture underpin so much of who we are as people.
Edited 17/02/2021
nessa 76 February 27, 2016 15:37
As sheila 2 has said, maybe they think your going to bring them up as jewish. Not actually in a way of discrimination, although it must had seemed that way. Silly really, considering everyone has different faiths, cultures etc...
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Curly100 February 27, 2016 16:59
Our LA couldn't get their heads around me being Jewish and my husband Catholic. This was 13 years ago. They didn't think they would be able to match us but then they were a pretty useless LA, still are and we abandoned them! Go to Norwood if you live anywhere near or around London - they are a VA and were brilliant and very helpful! I wish I had complained about my LA but I didn't have any energy left in me after the whole process of adoption!
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella February 27, 2016 17:06
This thread is a year old so things possibly moved on now?
Edited 17/02/2021
bub1 May 20, 2016 03:22
Contact Coram North London team Gillian Kirsch is the manager. They are the team which transferred from Norwood Jewish Adoption Agency
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Annabella January 5, 2017 06:51
Hi, I know this is an old post but wanted to comment, I'I Jewish, single and planning to adopt, my initial contact was with coram, not a great start I have to say, I was told outright, there are NO Jewish children put up for adoption. I'm liberal Jewish so not orthodox, my practice of Judaism is traditional rather than religious, I do attend a synagogue but as my father is Christian I also celebrate Xmas. When I approached my LA they spent ages on the phone to explore my interpretation of Judaism and asked if I would raise a child to celebrate Christian and Jewish festivals, I said yes,because that's how I was raised, I live in an area with no Jewish schools so would not go that route with education, however I made it clear that in my mind I would raise a child with a Jewish identity because as a liberal Jewish woman my children will be liberal Jewish. My LA were very happy with this explanation and happy to work with me. This year on Xmas eve which was also first night of Chanukah my family and nieces (2 and 7) lit our menorahs then went to church to a carol service. We celebrate christmakah!
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safia January 5, 2017 11:15
I don't think its an issue about what children you feel you will be happy to accept (realise that comment is 2 years ago btw) but what sort of families LAs are looking for to place the children they have or are likely to have - that is where a VA can be more flexible than an LA as they "sell" families to LAs looking for them for particular often "hard to place" children rather than placements for children they have in care. Maybe the Jewish community as a whole is very good at supporting those in trouble or looking after each other and so less children come into care - just guessing as I have no direct experience - but I know there are many Muslim, Sikh and Hindu children in care - as well as those from mixed relationships and I know that unorthodox relationships and lifestyles can be difficult to accept in some of these communities which would lead to greater numbers coming into care and whilst the parents may not be actively practicing their religion they generally want their children to be brought up in the same faith.
Edited 17/02/2021
tippietops January 5, 2017 16:06
Don't know where you're based but we have previously turned down a possible match with a little Jewish girl (aged 2) based on birth mother's wish she be brought up in the faith. The link was made based on Jewish grandparents in our family but I'm an atheist.
Edited 17/02/2021


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