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Fleas on pets.

lilyofthevalley September 19, 2013 22:45
My adopted daughter is now grown up - 27 to be exact. She is a great animal lover and is devoted to her two pet dogs. She phoned me the other night very upset as she had discovered that the dogs were suffering a flea infestation, were scratching themselves raw, the spot on treatment she had tried was not working and she was worried about the potential vet bill. She works as a carer in a nursing home so her pay is not high. I agreed to go to the vet with her and the dogs and said I would pay the vet's bill. It was all arranged and then she phoned back to say that her flatmate had discovered that it was possible to treat the fleas by giving the pets a pill treatment. She said she'd give it a trial before going to the vet. I've just phoned her for an update and she is euphoric. She says it has been a miracle cure. Both dogs and the flatmate's two cats were treated. She bought the pills at the local pet superstore and said they were not very expensive. In next to no time there was no trace of the fleas. She had been using a nit comb and had been checking their fur thoroughly. It has been a dramatic success. I had not heard of a pill treatment for a flea problem before. She's offering to come over and help medicate my two cats! I am so pleased that the treatment has been so successful. She so loves her dogs and was so upset about it all. Lily [:)
Edited 17/02/2021
NewImprudence September 21, 2013 21:45
Wow! I am not an expert, but we are currently having terrible trouble with fleas brought in on my cat, so I have been reading up. First thing to say is that cats and dogs have v different body chemistry and it is apparently v easy to poison a cat -- be very careful what you give i.e. not pills for dogs. Secondly, the flea eggs drop off and live in carpet, bedding etc, then their are larvae and pupa, which can live a v long time possibly up to a year!) . You need to be vigilant and vacuum/ launder everywhere the cats sits, sleeps etc to stop the fleas -- they may die when they reach the cat/dog, but they wont die if they reach you (sad face). I am currently vacuuming three times as often as I used to, and considering doing it in wellies as the vacuuming seems to stimulate the ** to hatch or whatever and bite my ankles
Edited 17/02/2021


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