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Pupil Premium Plus AND Free School Meals Pupil Premium???

Libertas September 22, 2018 20:30
A Google search has failed to help me shed any light regarding this query: Do adopted children in school attract double the funding when they qualify for Free School Meals (in addition to the standard £2,300 Pupil Premium Plus)?
Edited 17/02/2021
safia September 22, 2018 20:37
Do you mean are they counted in the formula for FSM and then again for PP+? I assume so - as they are 2 separate things just as they would be counted for EAL if that applied
Edited 17/02/2021
Libertas September 22, 2018 20:53
Hi Safia Yes, that’s what I’m trying to establish (before I gird my loins to go into school to convince them to ACTUALLY spend some of the funding they receive for Big Girl, as an adopted child who also now qualifies for FSM, on ACTUALLY meeting her specific needs) I’m not clear if PP+ ‘cancels out’ or supersedes all other schools funding designed to level the playing field for disadvantaged children.
Edited 17/02/2021
safia September 22, 2018 21:05
In calculating for each category the total number of children for each would be used - that means that a child that fits in more than one category would be included in more than one calculation. Don’t forget though that these additional sums of money are to raise the attainment of different categories of children who are disadvantaged in some way - because of economic disadvantage or their early experiences for example - rather than individual children so you could use the fact that the money is available to counteract any arguments as to why they are not able to provide for her needs (we don’t have the money etc) but you need to argue for what support she actually needs in school. If they say they still don’t have enough money because her needs are so great they should be applying for an EHCP
Edited 17/02/2021
Libertas September 22, 2018 21:20
Hi Safia Thanks, that’s really helpful information - and now I’m even crosser that school have never put their hands in their pocket to help Big Girl, especially as it would appear she’s quite a cash cow for them (and, presumably, ticks quite a lot of Ofsted boxes as an exceeding-all-expectations FSM & PP+ child?) Am I wrong in thinking that the ‘woolliness’ around the spending of PP+ funding has now been tightened up and that schools have to specify exactly how they’re spending the funding they receive on the designated specific cohorts, rather than lumping all Pupil Premium children together (and writing a bland statement on their websites fudging how they’ve spent their extra money)?
Edited 17/02/2021
safia September 22, 2018 21:33
I think they do for PP+ - I understand the virtual head is the one to ask about details and to go to if you need to put pressure on school ( just going by what others say on this as I’m not up to date myself!)
Edited 17/02/2021
Gilreth September 25, 2018 09:42
From what the Education person from our local RAA said last week at an adoption support meeting as of 1st September (so from when new guidance & law around designated teacher for PLAC etc came in) the PP+ money is expected to be spent on the cohort it is for. So in other words while not ringfenced to a specific child it is ringfenced to the cohort of LAC/PLAC pupils. So your daughter should expect to see some help from it. And yes it is now separated from PP in terms of reporting.
Edited 17/02/2021
chestnuttree September 25, 2018 12:45
Have you checked your school's website? Our's used to publish what they spend the money on, eg. a maths club for high attainers and TAs (insert furious face). They can't spend it on things they would have anyway, eg. TAs, and it is good practice to inform parents what the money for their child is being spend on and to ask for their input - not that that every happened at our old school. I think they need to document how it benefited the child. You could ask to see that documentation.
Edited 17/02/2021


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