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Autistic Bio Child - any experience?

Ellseer11 February 1, 2021 04:07

Hi all, I’m hoping to connect with some families who are further down the line than we are who also have older bio children with additional needs (or anyone who can offer some advice!).

I am a single prospective adopter with a 9yo son who is currently open to CAMHS due to mild social and communication difficulties which are now largely only present at school. He is undiagnosed but the general consensus since he was around two years old is that he is ASD. It has taken this long to get to where we are now and his assessment with CAMHS has clashed with Stage 1 of the adoption process. I had already paused the adoption process for 22 long months while I waited for CAMHS, gave up waiting... and of course here we are.

I have been honest with the SW about all of the above and no issues have been raised - indeed he will be the same child post diagnosis that he is today - that said however I’m curious as to what to expect down the line. I see his (suspected) ASD and his happy and stable presentation as a positive, it shows how well he copes with his additional needs and how I have successfully parented him and championed him through it etc. It also means I have experience of this and he has insight... but are these positives actually negatives? Ultimately, as his mum I know he will benefit from having an adopted sibling for lots of reasons and together we will cope with the transition, but only I know him in this process and that does concern me.

Would be very grateful to hear of any prior experience of this, but really not looking for advice as to whether we should progress or not. As I say, our LA are supportive of us moving forward and I just wish to prepare as much as I can for evidencing our readiness as a little family.

Thank you x

Edited 17/02/2021
Safia February 1, 2021 08:48

I agree with you that these are all positives - that you’ve see behaviours in your child that are different and that you have pushed for him to be assessed and for the help he needs. All too common a set of skills needed in adopters. He is 9 so not too young and as you say able to engage in the process. A word of warning - don’t expect too much following diagnosis - in my experience with most services that is as far as they go and you are left to find any help / support that you need. Don’t get me wrong - any report will be extremely useful in getting his needs met in school and elsewhere but you will probably be the one pushing for it. My daughter (adopted) has a social communication disorder - not diagnosed till she was 18 - and my grandson (biological) has high functioning autism - he was diagnosed at 4 and my daughter expected there to be all sorts of help available - but there wasn’t - so she has had to research and push for anything he needs over the years. It might work to your advantage being in the process as you you be proactive at looking for what support in available to him should he need it as the adoption proceeds and maybe get it written into the report (and therefore agreed / funded)

Edited 17/02/2021
windfalls February 1, 2021 09:06

My ad has ASD and she is nearly 14. Her ASD has become more of an issue for her as she has got older as social interaction and communication becomes so much more complex and thus more difficult to understand and navigate.

Just something to keep in mind.

Best wishes xx

Edited 17/02/2021


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