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Working From Home

Lilythepink September 23, 2020 18:35

It's hard working from home when you have a child who melts down, squawks like a dinosaur and throws hard objects at you during any part of your working day.

I never had this problem in the office.

Thank xxxx she's back in school and coping there (touch wood) but there's no after school club now so working after 3pm is nerve shattering.

Just saying it out loud. Can't say it on my socials as don't want her school friends' parents to know how she is at home sometimes.

Edited 17/02/2021
Safia September 23, 2020 19:05

Sometimes it helps just to say it out loud! At least she’s back at school - look after yourself

Edited 17/02/2021
Furcifer September 23, 2020 20:20

Hi Lily, I’ll bet you felt like throwing hard objects at one or two colleagues, though, I know I have! I echo your sentiments re: back to school and I will be leading a one-woman crusade to march on Downing Street if there’s the merest hint of schools closing again. Forget Barnier and Merkel and all the tricky EU/Brexit personalities, Boris will be cowering and feeling the lacerations from the sharp edge of my tongue if he encounters this angry, menopausal and at-her-wits’-end adoptive parent! ?

Edited 17/02/2021
Lilythepink September 24, 2020 19:04

Thanks for your replies.

I found myself crying whilst out for a run this morning (I'm OK) and realised that this week is getting to me possibly more than the panic in March. She is, thankfully, back in school and doing OK. No one has been quarantined from her school yet (though eldest's secondary has had cases).

It's a tough old uncertain time. I hope you are both well. I look forward to your crusade Furcifer.

Edited 17/02/2021
E-mog September 24, 2020 21:19

Working from home was a nightmare during lockdown, I feel your pain. Trying to work and having a stand up row about school work 3 times a day every day really became unbearable. I get so annoyed when I hear people saying close the schools they are spreading the virus, no they are not and we aren't all in a position to become our children's educator, we have to work to pay the bills. Plus I have discovered I am a rubbish teacher! One word the schools are closing and I will also be out with my placard!

Edited 17/02/2021
Furcifer September 25, 2020 21:24

Ah, Lily, I hope you’ve had a better day. Please, always feel you can tell the truth and how it really is here; I know us (we?)oldies sometimes get a bad rap here and accused of negging and being the voices of doom and gloom but adoptive parenting is HARD. Adoptive parenting in a pandemic - with all the additional pressures on home life, the worries about job security and finances, and the remoteness of practical, hands-on help and support) is HARDCORE HARD!

I think we’ve all kept it together for the past six months because we had to as there simply was no other option. Now that there is some relief/release, in the shape of schools or childcare, our emotions and bodies are telling us that they’ve had enough.

I’m glad that you are managing to find the time to run for you; maybe your tears were just what your body needed to be able to release some toxins?

Edited 17/02/2021


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