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secondary trauma and stress

shadow September 7, 2013 12:15
how do you wise and wonderful adpoters manage not to get secondary trauma and stressed and if you do how do you manage to keep it hidden from your adoptees?
Edited 17/02/2021
phoebe67 September 7, 2013 14:18
Hope you are not beating yourself up Shadow! You are human, and it's normal to get stressed when you are constantly living with someone who dumps all their negative emotions on you. I think personally that massage, reflexology and hypnotherapy are the best, as well as lots of tea and sympathy with friends. But it's hard to find time or indeed money. Be kind to yourself, breath deeply and slowly, scream in the garden, cry at a great film, and don't forget you - the real you - who was there even before Shadette! Love and hugs, Phoebe x
Edited 17/02/2021
jazz31 September 7, 2013 14:29
i think it would be impossible to live as many of us do and not get secondary trauma and stressed. I try to deal with mine by taking as much physical excercise as possible, bike riding,swimming etc. After a particularly rotten episode I found a good scream at the shore line very theraputic (don't worry no one will come near you!) Not sure that I am very good at keeping it hidden being falsely jolly seems to press their buttons even more, they are well aware that they are stressing me out and trying to act as if I am not just makes them up the ante. Good to see you back Best wishes Jazz
Edited 17/02/2021
Bop September 7, 2013 20:50
I do struggle with stress and secondary trauma and try to manage it by looking after myself and taking me time when the kids are at school. I've also started some counselling and that is helping - I'm very fortunate as my counsellor is also an adopter and "gets" it. Even with all that sometimes it leaks out....I'm trying to accept I'm only human and not beat myself up about it.
Edited 17/02/2021
greyspeckledhen September 7, 2013 21:43
I've found going to a psychotherapist extremely helpful - currently having some EMDR with my psychotherapist which is very good for trauma.
Edited 17/02/2021
Haze September 8, 2013 17:13
I've been put on antidepressants & have been having CBT sessions which have helped.
Edited 17/02/2021
kangas September 8, 2013 18:41
I run up hills.
Edited 17/02/2021
Honeysuckle September 8, 2013 21:49
Goodness, you all seem so healthy. I eat too many biscuits ( on a good day) and treat myself to wine (on a not so good day). Maybe I should try running. However I think anyone who would witness this strange event would also suffer from trauma ;) On a sedrious note - I would love to speak to someone / anyone who 'gets it' such as a counsellor. However, I just seem to get get a baffled and confused looking GP who thinks he can see a 'happy ever after' scenario after years of IVF.
Edited 17/02/2021


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