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Angela & Sulabh February 10, 2021 21:32

So we are in the very early stage of placement (2 weeks!), our adoption agency recommends that an adoption order is made after the 3 month review due to a higher possibility of accessing support for the child. What are people's experience of accessing support pre-adoption order and post-adoption order?

Edited 17/02/2021
Leo February 10, 2021 22:32

From my own experience, and anecdotal experiences of other adopters, I would say you are in a much stronger position to push for support BEFORE an adoption order goes through..

Are there already identified needs that are not being met? If so, ensure support for these is clearly written into the proposed adoption support plan before submitting your application for the adoption order.

Edited 17/02/2021
windfalls February 11, 2021 08:42

Leo is absolutely right. Once the adoption order is made social workers will "run for the hills" and trying to get support will be so difficult. So don't put in for the order until you are ready. I remember how during placement the family finder and my daughter's social worker would ask at every meeting if we had applied for the order. However our social worker was adamant that we wouldn't apply until we were ready.

So if you are currently having concerns about something speak to your social worker and mention it at the review meeting to the independent review officer - he/she is supposed to be neutral and should listen to your concerns and can order the family finder to undertake assessments. Post adoption order you will have to approach council/NHS services like everyone else. Trying to get your placing authority to pay for assessments then will be like getting blood from a stone.

Best wishes xx


Edited 17/02/2021
Angela & Sulabh February 12, 2021 07:53

Thank you both for the confirmation. We will push for the assessments.

Edited 17/02/2021


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