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First placement

Turnerd2015 November 1, 2017 12:48
Hi, we are recently approved carers. I just wondered how long everybody waited before their first placement? We are very excited but also quite apprehensive- does anybody have any tips for the first placement? Thanks
Edited 17/02/2021
Bop November 1, 2017 13:22
I think we waited about a month.... I think my biggest tip at this stage would be to get stuff in order generally and be prepared for likely scenarios - I had things like kids medicines, nit treatment, bedding, waterproof sheets, beakers, cutlery, bibs, a few toys/books, easy meals in the freezer - though exactly what depends on the age of child you are approved for. Also expect the unexpected - quite frequently placements don't match approvals - in fact none of ours did! We were approved for 2 children aged 5-10. Our first placement was two boys aged 1 and 2 and I was basically left with two car seats, a double buggy and two high chairs and left to get on with it - our SW was on holiday and the one who was supposed to check how we were doing forgot, so I heard nothing for around 10 days. I managed.... PS You might not get many replies as there are few FC on this site and those that are here are also adopters. Am sure there must be equivalent sites for foster carers?
Edited 17/02/2021
Midge November 1, 2017 18:14
AGES - we were approved at a time when the LA had no money so wasnt taking many kids into care. We waited 5 months and got our first, a week old baby, just at the turn of the financial year.
Edited 17/02/2021
loadsofbubs November 2, 2017 08:55
its a bit of a 'how long is a piece f string?' question really. I was approved just after the baby p case hit the papers and my LA reacted by bringing children into care more quickly. I was asked to take a baby (unborn at the time) the day I got my yes from panel. they fast tracked the ratification and baby was placed a week later at 2 days old. 3 weeks later I was placed with an additional 10 month old for 3 weeks. fast forward 7 years and practice changed, palcements slowed down. my longest gap hass been almost 5 months and I've had multiple referras way out of my age range. haven't had a baby placement in 3 years (eventually caved on older children!) until last week when I had a new born as a bridging placement. in some LA's placements come in frequently, in others less so, and often it is older children who are looking for a bed. for most placements, even emergencies, you will have enough time to go out and buy essentials like baby milk or an emergency set of clothes etc, but equipment like cots and beds, high chairs, car seats can take longer so best to be prepared with those and get equipment that will fit a large age range (or just the age you want if you're prepared to limit the options of placements). the shortest time between phone call and placement for me has been an hour, is just about long enough for that mad dash to the supermarket! good luck.
Edited 17/02/2021
honey77 January 13, 2018 07:57
Hi Turnerd2015 We were approved this week for 1 child 0-2 years old. We were not filled with confidence when we discussed placement times for our approved age group from our social worker (who has now changed and we are left in limbo while a new one is confirmed). So i'm wondering how you are getting on since being approved?
Edited 17/02/2021


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