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Bakergirl April 15, 2019 21:10
Can I ask If anyone has had melatonin prescribed for their LO’s? If so was it short term and did it help? Our AS 4 has great difficulty switching off at night and going to sleep. Once asleep he does sleep right through for about 10/11 hours but it can take him more than an hour of lying, tossing and turning before eventually drifting over. We have a good bedtime routine, we stay with him to be a calm parental presence but he just can not switch off. Tonight for example over an hour later, he is yawning away but can not get over. I am thinking about going to see the GP to try it but really would only want it on a short term basis as would not want him to become reliant on medication for sleep long term. I have read it is fine and safe to use for up to 18 months (I would hope once we got good sleep routine established we could have him off it again in much less time) but wondered what others experiences are of it before I decide to go down this route.
Edited 17/02/2021
safia April 15, 2019 21:21
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that enables the person to sleep - so it’s not medication per say - my daughters psychiatrist was saying that her using screen activities at night was preventing the natural production of melatonin and the onset of sleep due to the blue light produced (?) (she is an adult so not in a position where I can actively stop it as I would for a child) so don’t worry too much about him taking it if given. By all means go to the GP to discuss this - my daughter has not had it so I can’t discuss that aspect but I believe it’s very effective
Edited 17/02/2021
clr1 April 15, 2019 21:49
I think you'll find past posts about melatonin on the forum pages .... and how it has transformed families' lives for the better. I tried months/ years of a regimented bedtime routine to no avail, and the impact of my AD's inability to sleep was awful for us both. My AD has taken it happily for years, and has also been diagnosed with ADHD symptoms as a result of developmental trauma. Prescribed by our local community Paediatrics team.
Edited 17/02/2021
Kazzie April 15, 2019 22:08
My DD takes Melatonin and has done for a few years. She recently changed to a fast acting dose as her psychiatrist felt that the long acting tablets weren't enough for her. It definitely helps her sleep. However just a note of caution. You may find that your GP won't prescribe it and it has to be obtained from a consultant either a paediatrician or psychiatrist.
Edited 17/02/2021
Bakergirl April 15, 2019 22:35
Thanks kazzie, yes I am expecting her to refer me to paediatrician. To be honest I think I would prefer that as then I know I am not just jumping in with the idea of a ‘wonder drug’ but giving it based on informed medical opinion. Also going to try weighted blanket or sensory sheet for bed in the meantime.
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella April 15, 2019 22:46
My son has adhd and has taken melatonin off and in for some years now. Adhd meds can affect sleep so that’s why he takes melatonin. Paeds/Camhs can prescribe but can sometimes be reluctant to do so - on varied grounds but in reality cost driven. Before they prescribe they often ask you to keep a sleep diary so might be worth doing that now so you can preempt it. They’re also keen on you trying their sleep hygiene techniques so try those as well - even though you’re probably already doing it they’re still likely to push that aspect first! In the meantime have a look at the Cerebra sleep guide.
Edited 17/02/2021
belle de fontenay April 16, 2019 02:36
Melatonin helps a lot here but is less effective on AS2 who has ADHD. But someone here recommended a CD by Christiane Kerr - Bedtime Mediations and it works great! It's only three stories but at his age he will want to listen to them many times.
Edited 17/02/2021
Bakergirl April 16, 2019 09:12
Thanks Donatella for the tips re. Sleep diary - will start from now. I take it you just record time of starting routine, and time of settling and then time of sleep each night and maybe a comment about mood, restlessness, playing up etc. I will have a look at link but as you say I do think we have a good sleep routine, no screens before bedtime, in fact other than a total of about an hour spread throughout the day has no screens at all. They as yet do not use iPads or phones. We have quiet playtime (jigsaws, Lego), before starting getting ready for bed followed by stories and songs in bed. No toys are in the bedroom. Bedroom is used only for sleeping. Bedtime is exactly the same time every night after the same activities. At least if and when we see a paediatrician we can go armed with all this. Belle thanks for the tips re. Meditation - we have tried them but just delayed the start of the settling down process. When they were over he would immediately kick off and then once settled still take as long to go over. I personally liked them though!
Edited 17/02/2021


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