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Grandparents Devastated

Nannyloz January 30, 2013 19:41
I do not know if I have the right site, but due to recent circumstances in need of some urgent advice and guidance. I will try and be brief as this is a very long one, daughter and partner third child died of non accidental injury at the age of 9 weeks and both parents had fact finding and have had a judgment of failure to protect. Daughter and partner also have two other children aged 3 and 5 which were placed with us in the beginning(4 wks) but were taken in to foster carewhen the SW said my husband was intimidating and aggressive and not putting the grandchildren 1st, since then we have had to fight the LA to be access for SGO this has taken nearly 8 months with a stage to complaint. Parents have not been charged. At the end of the Facting Finding judge brought forward final hearing and the SGO was then rushed, LA then informed us they did not support SGO, childrens Guardian did not Support SGO all stating we could not cope and would not be able to meet the childrens emotional needs. No support was offered by LA and children have never been assessed. We had our final hearing last week and they judgement was the due to passed issues and not being able to meet their needs that our grandchildren should be placed for adoption which they say they can place in 6 months, to say we are heart broken is an understatement we have fought tooth and nail just to get the assessment, but it seems that they had made their minds up before it even began. Me and my husband own our home and have another daughter at home aged 15 this is also another issue because they want to no how will she cope every turning for us seems to create another problem.I can not accept that adoption in the childrens best interest as this is going to be devastating for them, parents have just had their contact cut to once a week before this it had been between 4 and 2 time a week, ours was every week till last month now it twice a month and the parental grandmother is now twice a month these children have a great bond with us,no who we are and how much we love them, what is this going to do to them. Please someone point me to were I can get some help.
Edited 17/02/2021
LMSA January 30, 2013 20:06
hi, I really didn't wamt to read and run, as you are clearly and naturally devastated at your loss. I'm not sure that this is the right place for you to get the support and understanding that you need at this time, as most of the contributors on these boards are adopters so haven't had the experience of being assessed as a kinship carer. There are a few around so there may be someone come along to prove me wrong. I would hope the moderators at auk will be able to point you in the right direction if you can't get what you need here. All the best
Edited 17/02/2021
Knight January 30, 2013 20:14
Have PM'd you
Edited 17/02/2021
homebird2003 January 31, 2013 08:27
Have a look at Family Rights Group. They have a forum where you'll meet other gtandparents but also a helpline.
Edited 17/02/2021
jmk January 31, 2013 09:11
You must be able to appeal. Usually SS will place children with family members before putting them up for adoption. I wonder if they are concerned about contact with your daughter and her partner? Sorry I have no experience or advice.
Edited 17/02/2021
Adoption UK Helpline January 31, 2013 11:42
Dear Nannyloz,We have sent you a private message,Best wishesAnnemarie (helpdesk)
Edited 17/02/2021


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