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10 seconds

Corkwing August 20, 2013 09:39
I sometimes wish my kids would just take 10 seconds.10 seconds to STACK the dirty dishes on the worktop, not just pile them on top of each other.10 seconds to PUT shoes in the cupboard, not just throw them in so that they fall or bounce out again.10 seconds to pour the cereal carefully.10 seconds to put the cereal packet back in the cupboard.10 seconds to wait for me to get from the car to the front door. They normally rush from the car to the door so that they''re there in front of me, getting in the way.10 seconds to zip closed the entrance to the trampoline.10 seconds to put their dirty clothes in the laundry, not on their floor.Anyone else got a 10 second rant?
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM August 20, 2013 09:51
Wow, your kids actually pile dirty dishes on work top and actually use the shoe cupboard!My rants would take a lot longer than 10 seconds!But hope having a rant helped.
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella August 20, 2013 09:53
Are you sure you don't have my kids? All the above. 10 seconds also please for bigly to put his pjs on before leaving his room to throw his dirty washing on the floor next to the washing basket in my bathroom. 10 seconds to put the apple core in the bin not on the mantlepiece. 10 seconds to wipe his feet after a shower before strutting his naked dripping body all across the landing. For starters.
Edited 17/02/2021
Corkwing August 20, 2013 10:04
FIM - piling the dishes... That's when they get told to. So I guess I need to add...10 seconds to shift their dirty dishes from one side of the kitchen to the other.Though I guess that makes 20 seconds by the time they stack them.And...10 seconds to stand their bikes against the wall of the garage, not just dump them in the entrance.
Edited 17/02/2021
Corkwing August 20, 2013 10:05
And...10 seconds to put their sweet wrappers in the bin.
Edited 17/02/2021
FIM August 20, 2013 10:08
Yes it's the 10 second things that pile up like straws on a camel's back.
Edited 17/02/2021
CocoPop August 20, 2013 10:12
All of those could apply to my DH!!
Edited 17/02/2021
amh August 20, 2013 10:22
ditto Coccopop10 seconds I have a meeting opps
Edited 17/02/2021
kangas August 20, 2013 10:57
if you are trying on two pairs of school trousers for size: 10 seconds to do something with the not chosen pair other than dropping it inside out on the floor where it will be walk over and never noticed again10 seconds to take care not to topple over a stack of t-shirts when you want the one near the bottom10 seconds to hold the pencil sharpener OVER the bin rather than wave it vaguely in that direction when using itless than 10 seconds to step aside and let your borther out of the bathroom before you push your way in"Care and Control" is often shouted/sighed/groaned/suggested in our house
Edited 17/02/2021
Teletubbies August 20, 2013 11:47
10 seconds to plush the loo & shut the lid10 seconds to say hi before raising a finger (or two) & shouting at me to GET OUT OF MY ROOM10 seconds to pull the knickers & t-shirts out of the jeggings & tops before chucking them on the floor10 seconds to walk to the bathroom & put laundry in the basket10 seconds to replace a used loo roll or to bring one to bathroom when I'm stranded!10 seconds to use a flannel, or a wet wipe in lieu of gassing us with BO when total refusal to washyou get the picture!
Edited 17/02/2021
Teletubbies August 20, 2013 11:55
flush I meant........10 seconds to read what I've written10 seconds to put opened packet back in the fridge - preferably sealed
Edited 17/02/2021
Flutterby August 20, 2013 13:08
Can we add hubby's deeds to that your list too? Stop leaving sharp knives at the edge of the worktop, grrrr...
Edited 17/02/2021
amh August 20, 2013 14:09
10 seconds to put school bag away10 seconds to put ice skates away.10 seconds to change loo roll and another 10 to dispose of empty tube.10 seconds to have a melt down but hours even day to recover from it10 seconds in to sitting down do they all need me!!!
Edited 17/02/2021
kstar August 23, 2013 00:49
Sweet wrappers grrr... Hers get flung at me wherever I am sitting lol.I would settle for ten seconds to ensure that both shoes end up in the same room when kicked off on entry, let alone the cupboard!!And would add ten seconds to rinse the toothpasty spit from the sink!
Edited 17/02/2021
Donatella August 23, 2013 14:27
To put the top back on the squash bottle. Ribena is very sticky when spilled
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti August 24, 2013 22:23
Most of the above happens in our house too I must confess to being guilty of some of them myself.I am constantly amazed at children who would not dream of dropping litter in the street, drop sweet wrappers in the LIVING ROOM!!Re loo seats....10 seconds to gently put the lid down not let it BANG!!
Edited 17/02/2021


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