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It''s all worth it....

Tuesdays Girl August 12, 2013 09:59
....the waiting...the intrusion... the frantic last-minute phonecalls...the waiting... the soul-searching... the uncertainty... the waiting... the stupid questions...the need to clean my house every five minutes because another professional is coming... the ''taking a deep breath'' before informing work... the waiting...the awkwardness of laying my soul bare to soemone I don''t know...the difficuluty in confronting feelings I''d rather not face...the all worth it. Adopting is such an enormous leap of faith-for me much more so than having a birth child. Our beautiful boy joined our family three monrths ago and is the missing piece. He will be loved,cherished and adored by our family, friends and wider community.There IS light at the end of the tunnel but sometimes when you''re waiting I think it''s hard to remember that. But I wanted to post this for everyone who is further behind us on this mad old road to adoption.
Edited 17/02/2021
Fishwife1949 August 12, 2013 10:38
Ahh thanks so much your post really touched me As i have been trough the mill a bit
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree August 12, 2013 11:31
Think the waiting and waiting and not knowing and then waiting more is the worst part of the adoption process.It must feel a huge relief not to have to wait.It's an amazing thing adoptionFun together while your in the rush of newness is wonderfulEnjoy it... My 18 yr old adoptee is just about to treat me to seeing Percy Jackson at the cinema
Edited 17/02/2021
Bobby1610 August 12, 2013 16:25
You post meant a lot - thank you for thinking of all those that are early in the process.I am finding it quite emotional. It's hard because I am a bit of a control freak and during this process you have to depend on so many people: referees, doctors, social workers etc...I am really pleased for you - keep your fingers crossed for us
Edited 17/02/2021
NellieEllie August 12, 2013 16:37
Such a lovely thing to post. Our journey hasn't been as hard as others but I have had 14 years of fertility issues to contend with and a fear that I would never have a family to call my own. We are a waiting our PAR and I am feeling very emotional that we are so close but nothing is definite. Its a strange feeling and one that I feel no one around me truly understands.Having to be judged on your abilities as a person and a parent. All of which I know they have to do and agree with, but sometimes feels, as you say, intrusive and even sometimes feels unjust.Its nice to be given a little nudge sometimes and reminded that it will all be worth it and that I'm not on my own
Edited 17/02/2021
PollyPocket August 12, 2013 16:41
Thank you for that reminder. I needed that today. Also, when waiting people need to remember things happen behind the scenes. So sometimes it feels like nothing is happening. But actually more than you think is. Good luck to everyone what ever stage they are at! :-)
Edited 17/02/2021
Island12 August 12, 2013 20:30
aw that post made me smile, laugh and brought a tear to my eye, I have to say a huge thank you. We go to panel in 4 weeks time and just finishing paperwork. I am finding it really hard and very emotional most of the time, I know this will pass though.Anyway thanks again.
Edited 17/02/2021
Swimchic August 13, 2013 12:31
It is worth it...A little baby girl was given up for adoption and she had a wonderful life. A family that supported her, loved her unconditionally, gave her the opportunities and hugs.Were by her side through the happy times and sad times, rejoiced when she got married. Cheered her up when she fell off her bike.That baby girl grew up, met the man of her dreams and sadly couldn't have children.Tomorrow that girl is meeting her adopted daughter for the first time.That's me...Its all worth it.Wishing everybody lots of love and luck on there journey.Swimchicx
Edited 17/02/2021
Spideress August 13, 2013 12:53
Swimchic...just *AWESOME" xxxxx
Edited 17/02/2021
NellieEllie August 13, 2013 14:08
Swimchic that's amazing. Wow x
Edited 17/02/2021
Vicky Vixen August 13, 2013 17:32
Thanks TG - & very pleased for you. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Swimchick
Edited 17/02/2021
Vicky Vixen August 13, 2013 17:35
Thanks TG - & very pleased for you. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Swimchic
Edited 17/02/2021
weemoofrazz August 21, 2013 14:00
Thanks so much for the uplifting post, its very welcome since were still waiting to even be allocated a SW 4 and a half months after finishing PREP course! You made my day!
Edited 17/02/2021
oliveoyl August 29, 2013 09:02
Thank you Tuesdays Girl and Swimchic,Your posts really lifted my spirits. I've been feeling really low about the whole process and you can almost forget why we're letting ourselves be judged so harshly by strangers. The thought of being a family can feel so out of your reach sometimes but you've helped remind me why we're doing this. XX
Edited 17/02/2021
Damaris August 29, 2013 11:02
Thank you for that. It's good to be reminded.
Edited 17/02/2021
MGM September 2, 2013 09:38
What a lovely post - sentiments I'd like to echo. We're over 2 years into placement with our little girl, heading towards our third Christmas as a family. She's simply amazing – so much more than I'd ever dared to hope for.
Edited 17/02/2021


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