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black history month

Jet October 3, 2009 19:12
hi,I have just returned from a local black history event yet again it thrilled me how adopting my black kids has changed my life and made me part of a multi-racial familymy kids have some significant black friends and that to me means i have done the best i could for themcheck whats on in your area Jet
Edited 17/02/2021
gimli October 16, 2009 12:14
hi there has been some excellent things of mine just has performed at a local theatre with lots of other school children.she was African drumming and was an fantastic night.also school doing a black history week.each group in my daughters class given a famous person to children are all mixed race as me and her dad are as a family and it means a lot to us.the school is very mixed as well with all colour and religion catered for.respect for each culture is a must.hope your children had fun xxx
Edited 17/02/2021


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