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Voices in the washing machine

Serrakunda August 16, 2013 17:31
Simba has lots of little phrases, noises that he chants repetitively, some more annoying than others, most of which I have no idea where they come fromOne of them is ''he''s the one''So I am sitting here with a cup of tea and a scotch pancake. Simba is playing next door so the house is quiet - apart from the washing machine - which is on spin, I swear its saying ''he''s the one'' Is this where he gets it from or have I finally lost the plot
Edited 17/02/2021
Larsti August 16, 2013 19:00
Well, maybe you are so in tune with Simba that you are now hearing the same voices as him...or maybe you are so used to hearing Simba that your brain misses his utterances when he's not there and compensates for it?I'd keep an eye on it Serrakunda
Edited 17/02/2021
Patanya August 16, 2013 19:42
There is a song with that lyric in - will ask my hubbie which one it is he usually knows all songs!
Edited 17/02/2021
Papergirl August 16, 2013 20:55
She's the one - Robbie Williams?!
Edited 17/02/2021
kangas August 17, 2013 09:32
I think your subconscious maps white noise type sounds onto something familiar.I once spend a night bivying in the mountains near a waterfall, and all throughout the night I sleepily thought I heard trains passing (I lived next to a railway at the time).
Edited 17/02/2021


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