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Intros Day 5,6 and 7 and Forever Family Day Tomorrow

kwaboy July 22, 2009 21:37
Hi everyone sorry havent posted in a while, just been very busy, well things have gone from strength to strength, I have a had a little bit of a personal hickup during the time, I didn''t feel that middly was attaching greatly to me, my wife said it will get better in time but I felt a lot of despair over this, i know its very soon, but she wasnt always calling me daddy but calling the missus Mammy all the time, she was always wanting my wife to see her and not me, and I know i probable worry too much but it was beginning to get me down and I hated myself for it as I know its very very early stages.However not long when I was my lowest worrying about this, I''d just put little boy to bed and came downstairs to take middly to bed and just as I came downstairs she asked where Mammy was going as she was taking the littly to bed and as soon as she left the room, middly shouted in her cutest little voice ''Daddy, Daddy, Daddy and ran over to me and hugged my legs, its finally come and I got a hug and a kiss as well, so just for those of you out there that feel or worry thats its happening to you then it will come and when it does it does it in the nicest possible way.Anyway back to more intros, theres not a lot more that I can say as things have gone fantastically well, they are eating better everyday at our house, little boy who we have to tell off a lot as hes testing us with everything, has been testing less and less probably cause he knows he wont get away with it ha ha.So we are over the moon to say that tomorrow is our Forever Family Day, we are picking them up at 10am and they are ours forever (this moment has finally come and Im struggling to hold back the tears of joy that we both have welling round us)We are going to take them to a farm for the day to feed the animals and then tea and then bed in there new forver home........PS When we dropped little boy off for last time at his FC''s we said this is the last time we will do this and he cheered and shouted ''Yeh cause Im going to live with you forever and ever'' Sorry folks hope you had some kleenex handy. Bye for nowKwaboy
Edited 17/02/2021
Colliecross July 22, 2009 22:08
Awww lovely to read and thanks for sharing.Congratulations to you all
Edited 17/02/2021
trainer64 July 22, 2009 23:54
I wouldn't worry too much. Soon after moving in my son said to my husband,'Anyway I like Mum best, I only like you a little bit', then a couple of days later he reminded us of what he had said, then said,'I like you both the same really'. Then a couple of days later he said to me,'I like you best', and I said,'You don't need to say that, it is fine to like us both the same'. His reply was,'Well I do, but when he tells me off it goes up and down'. But then a while later when he couldn't get his own way he said,'You said you were going to be a nice Mum and you're not'!!If intros and moving in is strange for us as adults, how much harder must it be for children. Our son has been with us for two years this month, and has a good, although different relationship with us both. It will come over time. Our social worker compared adoption to an arranged marriage. You are lucky if you feel anything for the children initially, they are strangers after all. The more times you share, and the more you work at it the more the feelings grow. Good luck - you sound like you are having a great time and I have enjoyed your updates.
Edited 17/02/2021
lynne_safc July 23, 2009 00:48
so pleased to hear how well things sound overall - gud luk tmw - enjoy your day.L.x
Edited 17/02/2021
merchant July 23, 2009 09:50
It's so heartwarming to see all these lovely posts at the moment. Just goes to show that SW must know what they are doing - just wish they could do it a bit quicker.There will of course be ups and downs along the way and intros are a very emotional time but you have obviously worked through the first hiccup well.Best wishes for the future.
Edited 17/02/2021
Catucci July 23, 2009 11:17
Aw KwaboyYou have the loveliest way of describing things, and yes, I did need the kleenex box ha ha!!! So thrilled it's all coming together for you all, I'm just trying to imagine what today is like for you and I can't but hopefully soon I'll be finding out for myself!xX Cat Xx
Edited 17/02/2021
gimli July 23, 2009 12:27
kwaboy hi how lovely to be near taking your family home.but just to say don't worry about middle one not settling to you.little girls often want mammy more then daddy when there tiny then its dad more than mam for a while(daddy's girls)then sadly they become teens and all parents are rubbish lol and aliens to teens.seems to me your doing a grand job and things will work out well for for your little laddie testing you stand firm and together with your other half and he will seen see and settle.awww enjoy
Edited 17/02/2021
MaryAndMungo July 23, 2009 16:17
so how come you have been very busy??? Ohhhh i have been waiting for this update and you didn't disappoint! more kleenex - and having read your previous updates I had it handy already lol! ur so mean leaving that last bit till the end, just when we thought it was safe to go on reading!On a serious note, reading your and other's posts on intros it has made me aware that they are not all sunshine and roses (although a lot of it is) and for us to be mindful of those testing and attaching phases. so thanks ever so much for sharing these difficulties with us. it helps so much.just realised you have boy-girl-boy, thats the same combination we have just been linked with :Dtrainer64, thanks for sharing that. i had no idea about this situation and it's made me more aware and open-eyed for when we have our intros. and the commment about an arranged marriage is spot on. thats a great way to explain it, thanks. i will definitely use that one!gimli, the way you have described that first 18 years of a child's life in one sentence is magic lolxx
Edited 17/02/2021


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