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knowing your child''s ethnicity

Sunrise October 8, 2009 20:39
Is anyone bringing up a child where the full ethnicity is not known?
Edited 17/02/2021
Jet October 10, 2009 20:14
yes my youngest daughter does not know her birth father's exact heritage and it bothers her - eg Caribbean but not sure where his family roots are I was very clear with her that we did not know and she could perhaps ask birth mother in years to come my other kids do have more info which perhaps makes it more difficult Jet
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northgirl October 15, 2009 21:33
Yep. BM (after much thought) thinks that the dad 'might be from...Africa' Whoopee! That narrows it down then...Seriously though - we do worry about how to bring our littly up to have some understanding of her ethnicity (whatever it may be)Any advice from anyone reading this would be appreciated.northgirl x
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want2binoz January 15, 2010 20:02
Hi SunriseIn the same situation too - DD is 9 yrs old and of mixed heritage. BM is white BF is black - assumed to be african/carribean but do not know who he is at all let alone clear ethnic group.DD knows we do not know who he is (and has always known this since she was old enough to ask) - and probably never will. This makes me sad for her but - so far - appears to not be a major issue for her. I would love more information to give her - espeacially when she is bothered by it.We have to work with what information we have - my DD loves being mixed race and has a very good self image at the moment - all things considered.Good luckK
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Kanga2 January 16, 2010 21:25
This may be wide of the mark - but is it possible to do genetic testing to determine this?On crime dramas every now and then they do this to find where a trafficked child has come from etc? (Though of course that could be all made up?)Kanga2
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QT January 16, 2010 21:38
kanga - baaf have a clear position statement on this - genetic testing for ethnicity is unethical and fraught with pitfalls
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maggiemeik February 11, 2010 21:45
our lo is mixed race - bm similar to my mum and bf undisclosed and probably not white! we'll ahve to cross that bridge later!
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Red Dancer March 9, 2010 11:09
Our dd is half Welsh, and ? half Turkish. But we're not sure. She is quite dark. She looks like a dark Mediterranean child. I would also love to have more help with this, as already she is calling herself brown, and hates her skin colour, and says she doesn't like being different. I'd love to throw ourselves into Turkish culture, as a way of helping her self esteem etc., but hesitate to do this, in case it's not so.
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Pear Tree March 9, 2010 11:56
Hisome of my ACs family are dual heritage. We do know the BFs name and it is quite unusual.on you can look up a name- make a guess about DOB and information comes up.This included immigration records.we found 3 names the same on the record and all came from the same part of the world, as there are no birth records from the UK we can guess that BF was born overseas.The other thing to consider is to pay a genealogist to look into it for you. We are looking at this for my son who is rising 15 and I want to have as full a picture as possible which spans several countries.Pear tree
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raspberry May 25, 2010 12:46
HiHe sounds lovely. Just to say, that if you or he really want to know, perhaps when he is older, there is an ethnicity DNA test which will show if there is any East Asian ancestry amongst others - you will not know the culture/religion or nationality. I did one for myself as and adult as I am of very complex ethnic descent and it turned up East Asian amongst others, it was really important to me to know as much as I could especially as I clearly have non white heritage and skin colour. I wish I had known more when I was a child, it would have helped me undertand my identity.
Edited 17/02/2021


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