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IA - China may become a possibility for singles again

WHNM March 14, 2011 18:21
The major international news today is that China maybe reopening to single women for Special Focus children. Unfortunately there is no way to adopt any form of Special Needs child into the UK at the moment, the IAC are fundraising to try and become an agency to resolve this. But maybe, sometime in the next few years China might become an option for single adopters once more.
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto March 14, 2011 20:16
Why can you not adopt a foreign child with special needs in the uk? Is this only for China or any foreign country?
Edited 17/02/2021
WHNM March 14, 2011 20:26
To adopt a SN child from China you need to have an agency within the UK to access their computerised list. We don't have any IA agencies in the UK, so no SN adoptions from China. IAC are trying to raise £50K to cover the start up costs.It is possible to adopt SN children from abroad into the UK, given the right clearances - such as Panel approval etc.HTHWHNM
Edited 17/02/2021
thespouses March 29, 2011 14:44
This is a specific block on special needs children from China - and one of the reasons people would want to do this is that "special needs" is quite a low bar in this group - e.g. correctable heart defects or cleft palate, where there are no facilities to do the operation in China.
Edited 17/02/2021


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