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Relationship status

KG2019 March 22, 2019 09:52
Hi, I’ve got my first meeting for stage 1 scheduled for next week and I was just wondering how other single adopters dealt with questions around being single. For me I’m not bothered by it, happy in my own company etc. Growing up I imagined I’d get married but it just hasn’t happened and there’s absolutely no one in the horizon. Now in my 40’s I still want a family hence applying to adopt. No trauma or abusive relationships, just it’s not happened for me. Do you think SW will see this as normal/reasonable? How should I prepare for this part of the discussion?
Edited 17/02/2021
clr1 March 22, 2019 10:48
I don't think you need to worry about this, although they will certainly want to explore your relationship history. I would expect SWs to focus more on what would happen after you adopt, and whether you could really prioritise your child's needs over a potential future relationship. They'll certainly also want to know about your support networks - what happens if you become ill etc.
Edited 17/02/2021
Yomi March 28, 2019 23:13
You sound very much like me when I started the process, not met the right person but wanted a family. My social worker wanted to know about my relationship history and asked a bit about why the two long termish relationships I had ended, but it wasn't in a lot of depth. They were more interested in how I saw relationships in the future - they wanted to know that I was prepared to park the idea of meeting someone for the next few years, and that my priority will be my child. To be honest even if I did want to date (really not bothered!), it would be REALLY hard as a single parent to find the time. So I think they want to know that you are realistic about the impact on potential future relationships. Good luck with it!
Edited 17/02/2021


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