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pingu123 April 21, 2018 21:12
I have just heard that a fellow adopter, who was a friend, has died recently. She has two kids, one in teens and one still in primary. They and her husband will be gutted and have now lost the main carer of the family. I will send my condolences of course but am wondering if there is any more I can do, given that I have a houseful of needs at this end, including my elderly father joining us, so I am limited in practical time to help out (and I don't really know her kids well at all) I am not in her close circle, just someone I met with for a few chats over the years, mainly about adoption, and my hubby and hers occasionally exchanged brief words in places like the local supermarket. They met a few weeks ago and were expecting a long illness/treatment after a diagnosis last month, but this has come out of the blue this week, so will be unexpected to him. One good thing is that I know her eldest will get good pastoral support from his school, as its the same on our youngest is at, but it is one of his external exam years and they take place next month, so that's going to be tough for him. And I suspect, having known her, that there will be people more local and immediate who will be able to rally round on the immediate needs. Just wondered if there is anything "round the edges" I could do that would be supportive. I think I'm still a bit in shock about it. She was good to me when things were particularly tough here. Any thoughts? Thanks Pingu
Edited 17/02/2021
ham April 21, 2018 21:20
sorry to hear your news. what about when you cook things make a double batch so they can freeze them and have some easy meals or if appropriate offer to pick up or drop child to school.
Edited 17/02/2021
pingu123 April 21, 2018 21:31
Thanks amh, I am not a driver so can't help there and hubby cant either as his job is special needs school transport so he's already busy at school start and finish time. But the meals idea might be practical, or a supermarket run. I'll think about that one. Thanks
Edited 17/02/2021
About you now April 22, 2018 16:17
So sorry to hear this - just unbelievably sad. I knew another adopter (chatted to her briefly on school run etc) who died very suddenly at the start of last year. Like you I felt I wanted to do something, but I didn't know her well, or her husband. I just made sure I took the time to speak to the dad when I saw him at school & just say how incredibly sorry I was, and that if he ever needed anything I was there. We have chatted about stuff since, and I always give him a big smile. I know it is nothing really - but I think all you can do at this time is just offer love & support. Don't shy away from getting in touch with him - & batch cooking food sounds a great idea. Big hugs xxxx
Edited 17/02/2021


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