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Big tears and a very hot room.

pluto August 2, 2011 23:33
Before I even had chance to ask any questions a crying child was brought into the sauna room where I, the translater and manager were sitting. Big big tears were coming down his cheeks, unconsolable. The translater asked me if I had food , even if I had I would not use food to get a crying child calm. Well she got out the cheewing gum, pretsels and other rubbish, happely he did not want any of it. Eventually he stopped crying and was happy to receive a few gifts, a tshirt, a book about airplanes and a photo book about my house/family. Than it was time for him to have his dinner. Every day started this way, exept the translater stopped offering him food. It became sort of funny, whenever a caregiver passed the room he started crying again, they tried to get eye contact with him and ofcourse this was not helpfull at all. The second day I was allowed to sit at the back of the building in the garden where a very old broken playground was. My ukchild had joined by than, outside everyone was a bit more happy. The bubbles I brought were a big succes, so was a game with frogs who jumped. I was very happy to hear that the child goes since 6 month to a local pre school, I was very happy to hear he has been on holiday with 3 other kids and 2 care givers to the beach. The orphanage is for children from 0 to 3, he''s 5 and still there because of his medical condition. He has most of the same care givers all his life so that is good. I get the impression they do what they can with very limited resources. The meals were mostly 2 sorts of soup with or without meat, bread with dille and herbs, and water melon and very sweet tea or fruitdrink.We were kept apart from other children, and everything was run on a very tight time table.I met him 4 days and signed the 5th day the papers for his adoption, it takes 4+ months now to pick him up.We met for around 18 hours and it was how I imagened it to be, boring after a while. How much games can you think of to amuse a 5 year old in a sauna, or outside in a broken garden with nothing to do? I brought lots of games and activities, but most things you can only do so long. I would have loved to walk him round the village or buy an icecream, but ofcourse that was not allowed. The child is lovely My child managed well, he enjoyed the swimming pool in the hotel, the dinners eating out and ofcourse the airplanes. Beside my child I brought a friend as well.
Edited 17/02/2021
BermudaBlue August 3, 2011 19:47
Dear Pluto,It sounds as if it went as well as it could have done, given the circumstances. I am glad your son coped well, and that you were able to take a friend along with you. I hope the next four months go quickly, both for your sake, and that of the child waiting for his new Mummy to come back and fetch him. I hope the staff look at the photos often with him. Good luck,alison123
Edited 17/02/2021
Murray August 4, 2011 00:19
Congratulations Pluto!Wishing you safe journey home and a swift passing of the next few months.
Edited 17/02/2021
thespouses August 4, 2011 17:15
Have only just seen this, congrats!If you go back to visit (are you allowed to?) can you see him more, can you take him out then?It sounds very different from the situation my friends had (already adopted from overseas - they were allowed to take their little boy to stay with them in their hotel) and I think ours will be like theirs though it's a different country - the agency gives you permission for visits in the same way that the LA a child is under gives you custody here i.e. it's partial not full custody.
Edited 17/02/2021
homerton August 4, 2011 20:25
I wish lots of luck on your journey keep us informed as I know this will help other adopters who will adopt from abroad. Take care much love homerton
Edited 17/02/2021
cowgirl August 4, 2011 21:17
Congratulations from us too & thank you for sharing this with me
Edited 17/02/2021
pluto August 4, 2011 22:13
No you are not allowed to visit the child any more. The visit is to make sure the prospective adopter has seen the child, is familiair with the medical records (who are 'patchy')and signs the papers to proceed with the adoption. At the moment I collect the child he's already legally adopted, that moment is actually 2 or 3 weeks after the adoption as that is the time it takes to get a new birth certificate, you need to get a passport. Legally you could pick up the child than but not leave the country. I can not do that as my other child needs to go to school, and the medical condition of this new child makes this risky. I adopt from the country where the people shake their heads from left to right when they say yes.I will sent a postcard every few weeks, nothing more as I think that would be unfair to the other children. The children have no personal possesions, I brought toys for general use. I brought a suitcase with clothes as well. General stuff babysuits with feet, toddler clothes etc.
Edited 17/02/2021
Lettice August 12, 2011 14:21
Congratulations on becoming a mum again! Best wishes to you and both your boys for a happy homecoming and smooth settling in.
Edited 17/02/2021
Hippychick August 21, 2011 00:05
Congratulations Pluto, that's wonderful news!Much love to you all,HCx
Edited 17/02/2021
Pear Tree August 21, 2011 10:02
It must seem very surreal but I just smiled at the bubbles and the jumping frogs game, my parents did that a lot with my ac and now my bc and they all loved it. Good choice there!It sounds like their adoption systems of immediate orders and access to records are good. Congratulations
Edited 17/02/2021


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