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Alcohol Foetal

mummywestiewoo May 14, 2021 11:12

Hi guys,

We are currently in the process of adopting for the fourth (yes fourth!) time and would like some advice on AFSD please.

What are your experiences with taking on a baby with an “Increased Chance” of AFSD but no evidence that alcohol was consumed in utero throughout pregnancy and the baby is currently thriving and meeting developmental milestones.

We are completely aware that there is a risk with any child that is adopted and it is better to air on the side of caution and look at worse case scenario so all bases are covered.

What extremes have you faced, what is the overall impact to the child and when did these signs and changes start appearing/presenting themselves, as I know that these usually are later in childhood.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated as most of the profiles we are seeing all have a risk of Alcohol Foetal in the background, whether it is confirmed or not.

We already have a child who was subject to a variety of drugs in utero and so far so good but I know each case is different and things could still change for them later in life.

We want to make sure it is something we as a family can manage and take on.

I look forward to hearing your views.

Thanks so much.

Donatella May 14, 2021 20:43

First thought - why say there’s an increased chance of FAS/D but at the same time say there’s no evidence? Hedging their bets? Wriggling out of providing future support?

FAS/D or ARND is a spectrum so there’ll be no way of knowing at this stage how this child will be affected. However if bm did drink then there’s a strong chance there will be long term difficulties. They must have an idea if they’re saying there’s an increased chance. Is this based on previous pregnancies/children, is it based on history? What else is in the mix? Why was bm self medicating with, possibly, alcohol?

Alcohol is a toxin. It harms the brain. More so than drugs.

There’s far more information available now than previously so do your research

DigitalAUK May 17, 2021 15:19

Hi @Mummywestie - please feel free to visit our FASD pages where we do have a lot of information for you to access

Best wishes,


Edited 17/05/2021
chestnuttree May 17, 2021 16:34

Maybe these podcasts are of interest to you?

Panel of Moms Raising Kids with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure/FASD

What is it really like to raise a child with FASD?

You can skip the first 5 minutes or so, they are just ads.

Edited 18/05/2021


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