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Golden Oldies

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NM March 21, 2021 19:39

Hi, i remember all the oldies when i was nervous new adopter. I used to read all the post and also learnt so much.

Now 14 years in with 1st son and 3 years in with second son.

I guess i am in the brass class now!

Tokoloshe October 27, 2021 05:12

Hi everyone, I am late to the party! Good to hear from so many of you.

For those who remember us, Shrimp and I moved back to the UK a couple of years ago. She's struggling with her mental health so just starting the journey of getting specialist help. But loads of positives as well, school are fantastic and she's made friends locally.

Oyster went to uni to study SW, but when she started doing placements in year 2 it was too triggering. She's taken some time out to focus on her mental health and hopes to switch to teacher training. She's in SA and because of covid we haven't seen her in person for 2 years, which has been tough.

Whelk was being brought up by paternal relatives since the age of 2, so we didn't get to see him. He is now back in Cape Town and Oyster sees him regularly, but Shrimp and I don't have a relationship with him, sadly.

I am still in touch with kstar and caledonia from the old boards - starlet and shrimp are the same age so we meet up a couple of times a year!

Tokoloshe October 27, 2021 05:13

Chotimonkey - a fourth! I remember you adopting George!

Donatella October 27, 2021 14:46

I still lurk and reply now and again. 20 years in now. Eldest in his 3rd year in Uni and doing Adoption as his dissertation! Some quite interesting conversations have been had!

Middly now back in mainstream to do his A levels in maths and art. Now year 13. Aims to do an art foundation diploma next year pre - hopefully - university. I’m sure some of you will remember what a journey that’s been.

Littly is now not so little - towers over me - and is now 16. Not without her difficulties- has an autism diagnosis and is in special Ed - but she’s doing really well. Still loves her food and has eclectic tastes!

All in all, life is far easier now they’re all older than it has been previously.

Me? I now volunteer for a local charity which helps parents to help their children. Not adoption specific but for parents who are struggling with their child’s behaviours, understanding why and working with them to work with ‘professionals’. It’s been very positive for me and means I get to give back and get to do some really useful training!

Flutterby1 October 28, 2021 21:33

I tried to post this morning, but somehow it was not saved.

I had not posted in such a long time that I had to re-register. I remember a few of you so it is lovely to hear from you again.

We have had a rollercoaster journey to say the least. Sadly Butterfly's violence and intense need to control has never got better despite lots of intervention.

We have now managed to secure funding for a therapeutic boarding school, as things are no longer manageable at home.

For the first time, I am hopeful that Butterfly will get the therapeutic support she so desperately needs and that hopefully, in time, she may learn to thrive in our family and enjoy close relationships.

I am currently turn between being elated that we are finally getting help and worried sick how she is going to cope without me and how to tell her. I am not even sure if we should do this or if this is something social services ought to do.

Larsti November 11, 2021 09:20

Lovely to see some familiar names on this thread!

My name won't be familiar as I have changed it. Its possible that some might know me as the Stretchy One. I remember the F thread fondly. I was thinking about it only the other day, as I still support the Donkey Sanctuary and got their Christmas gift booklet in the post. Apart from donkeys and scaffolding, I remember the Inuit Cookbook we were going to write (which was shelved as it were, when someone pointed out that the Inuit eat their food raw).

News from here is like the Curate's Egg, good in parts. We are seeing greater maturity and ability to articulate needs verbally, so that's good.Adulthood around the corner. Thank goodness the EHCP goes up to 25!!

Meanwhile the last birth child left home this year, and one of our BD's has had two children and another one on the way and the grandchildren are a delight. The Speedy One is very good with them and we see them a lot since they live locally.

Love to all xx

PS edited (woohoo an edit button!!!) to say that apparently I haven't succeeded in changing my name and also removed some news!

Edited 11/11/2021
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