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Did you know?

Lonsdale September 16, 2009 11:33
Edited 17/02/2021
Lonsdale September 16, 2009 11:38
Obviously I didn't know if you pressed return button, it sent your blank post into the ether & I pressed it twice've just been looking at the govt document about aiming high for disabled children & this bit about the PCT surprised meclear information published and made available by Primary Care Trusts to families about how to access health care and support available for children with disabilities and complex health needs in the local area; Paragraph 2.8 p17 as we have had nothing like this!so have now asked my local PCT for this informationlove to see how I get on!all the bestl
Edited 17/02/2021
Jellies September 16, 2009 22:42
Hi LonsThe problem is that if your child only has attachment difficulties or even RAD/ CDT and no other diagnosis, many PCT`s and many more LA's are taking the stance that the child is not disabled. Apparently this is because the 1939 ( I think) Act that defines disability is fairly narrow and obviously this helps the pcts and la's not to provide services, even under the aiming high agenda.Jellies
Edited 17/02/2021
amh September 22, 2009 15:29
However under the Disablity Discrimination Act (2005 I think). Mental ilness can be classes as a disablity. When I was told I could not access any help for my son who was sufferring from depression and not able to attend school. I used the above act to help me force CSF to give some help. They initally told me he was told me he was not disabled.amh
Edited 17/02/2021
Lonsdale September 22, 2009 19:21
ds only has mild attachment issues, his main issue is add, which is classified as a disability, but local pct have been unable to provide info on their services & asked me to clarify what I want.It now has gone up the ladder, so waiting to see if anyone in the pct knows what services they offer children with mental health issues.As I feel I need to know if I am missing the appropriate service or if the pct just don't provide the sort of help I feel ds needs.thanks for you repliesl
Edited 17/02/2021


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